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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

HOW I SAW A DOCTOR: Ira Dmytrychenko, 11b

Painful Experience
Written by Ira Dmytrychenko, 11b

  For sure you know that being a doctor is considered to be prestigious. But in our time everyone goes to this profession for money, and not by vocation. So it is really hard to find a good wise doctor, who will povide successful treatment. And I was unlucky to get in such situation.

HEALTH PROBLEMS: Julia Kolchik, 11b

My Unforgettable Disease
Written by Julia Kolchik, 11b

  I would like to tell a few words about my disease. Since my childhood I have been sick a lot of times. My mother told me that she had sent me to the kindergarten when I was 3 . However, after I had got sick 3 times a month, she took me from there and spent a year with me at home. Usually we do not remember our first years of life, but I remember this year. So what about my unforgettable disease.

HOW I FELL ILL: Ira Stepanova, 11b

The Story About How My Day Was Ruined
(based on real events)

Written by Ira Stepanova, 11b

  That was a normal day… Neither gorgeous, nor awful… Everything was okay. I was sitting at my last lesson; there were no signs of trouble.

Suddenly, it began to rain heavily. Heavy drops started to drum on the windows and windowsills. I sadly looked at the street, because my parents couldn’t pick me up from school. I sighed, pulled the hood over my face and ran. By the way, I live far from my school and when I got home I was in a “fabulous” mood.

HEALTH PROBLEMS: Julia Kolchik, 11b

Don’t Know What To Do With Constant Nosebleed - welcome to my website again

  Welcome to my website again. Let me remind you that the last articles were about burns and hiccups. You can find links in the title menu.

Today I’d like to tell you about the minor trouble, which can happen to everyone. It's not painful and sometimes you can't feel it. Yes, you guessed it right, I am going to tell you about nosebleed.


Ukrainian “Free” Medicine
By Anonymus

  Only in Ukraine it is cheaper to be treated by yourself than to use the services of free medicine. So I'll tell you just a bit about difficulties that you'll have to overcome in a usual Ukrainian district hospital. Once my friend from another country came to Ukraine and here accidentaly broke his leg.

HEALTH CARE IN UKRAINE: Daniil Kardashov, 11b

Health Care in Ukraine
(How I feel it)

Daniil Kardashov’s second attempt – definitely more successful – good material for SEMESTER TEST WRITING

  Everybody knows, that our country has a lot of problems in politics, economics, health care and other areas of activity. And I would like to speak about Ukrainian medicine: about its doctors, pharmaceuticals , disgusting hospitals and terrible ambulances, about corruption, which is widespread in our time and other kinds of problems in our health care system. And at first, I would like to note notice, that a huge number of children want to be doctors in their future life. Is it a good choice?! Is it very hard?!

MY FRIEND: Alina Kovalenko, 8c

My Friend
Written by Alina Kovalenko, 8c

  In my opinion, to have a real friend is very important for everybody. The best friend is a person who in wishing me well wishes it for my sake. I’m lucky to have a devoted friend. This is Zhenya, my classmate.

I think Zhenya is good-looking. She is in her early teens. Zhenya has long dark hair. She is oval-faced and high cheek-boned. She has pale complexion. Zhenya has big eyes w ith long eyelashes. She is straight-nosed and full-lipped. Her main feature is her pretty freckles. She is neither tall and slim.

My Friend: Lisa Parnak, 8c

Adolescents Need Support
Written by Lisa Parnak, 8c

  In my opinion, to have a real friend is very important for everybody, especially for a teenager because adolescents need the support, which they find in their best friend. The best friend is a person with steel nerves who can “endure” you without killing you. I’m lucky to have a devoted friend. This is Zhenya, my classmate but generally I have known her from the age of three, we were friends in the kindergarten.

MY FRIEND: Liza Streseva, 8c

She Always Tolerates Me and My Quirks
Written by Liza Streseva, 8c

  In my opinion, to have a real friend is very important for everybody, especially for a teenager because at this time teenagers suffer from loneliness and therefore do stupid things. The best friend is a person who trusts you, is honest with you and tolerates you. I`m lucky to have a devoted friend. This is Polina Ivanova, my classmate.

MY FRIEND: Sasha Bobrova, 8c

Everyone Needs Attention and Support
Written by Sasha Bobrova, 8c

  In my opinion, to have a real friend is very important for everybody, especially for a teenager because everyone needs attention and support. I think the best friend is a person who wouldn’t leave you in hard times and always would help you. I’m lucky to have a devoted friend with whom I am on good terms. This is Angelina Dikina my school friend.