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Feel Depressed After You Broke Up With Your Boy-friend? - Ask Julia Kolchik

 Dear Jane,

  I am writing a reply letter to help you with some problems, you have. I don't think that your boyfriend abandoned you, because of your figure. But I propose you some tips about diets.

  First of all I want you to know that I do not think you're fat, and this is just advice. Ok? So, firstly you must know that some overweight people are overweight because of their metabolism; others are simply overweight because they eat too much. For this reason, some diets focus on the psychological aspect of weight loss, with the aim of reducing the desire to overeat. Moreover, I advise you to go on a special diet if you want. Firstly, drinking water is very effective. It will help you not only lose weight but also improve your health. Try to drink 2 liters every day. After a month of doing this, you will notice that water has become an indispensable thing.


Don’t Feel Depressed After You Broke Up With Your Boy- friend
Written by Ira Dmitrychenko, 11a

 Dear Kylie,

  I have just received your letter and I`m so sorry. But you know you are an amazing girl. So don`t care about it, it is not your fault. Moreover, I know your ex boyfriend and I think it was not the best choice for you.

  I don`t think that you have problems with your figure. But if you think so, I`ll give you some advice. There are many ways to lose a lot of weight fast. However, most of them will make you feel hungry and dissatisfied. No offense, but I think having a strong willpower isn`t about you. So hunger will cause you to give up these plans quickly.

HOW TO BE A DOCTOR: Anna Gaisha, 11b

From Personal Experience
Written by Anna Gaisha, 11b

 A doctor… Extremely important, the most responsible and demanding job of all times. People, whose dream is becoming a skillful specialist, spend many years to achieve their goal. Undoubtedly, we cannot help respecting people who have thousands of lives in his hands.

  Let’s talk about Ukrainian public clinics doctors. Sometimes it seems that except for chemistry and biology, they had to take «your sense of humor» tests. Yeah, you heard it right. I am convinced that doctors from our local hospitals either passed or failed this test completely, that’s why they are hired now. In fact…

HEALTH CARE: Dima’s Contribution


How To Be a Doctor: Anecdote

Daniil Kardashev’s first attempt – funny, but…

One day an old man came to the doctor complaining of sleeplessness and weakness. The doctor examined him and said, “Medicine won’t help you” and added “There is nothing wrong with you. All you need is a good rest. Go to the country, drink a lot of milk, breathe fresh air, eat plain food and smoke just one-two cigarettes a day”

  A month passed and the man came to see the doctor again. This time he was much better. “Well, how are you?” asked the doctor. ”I am fine, doctor”, said the patient. ”Thank you very much for your advice. I feel quite a new man now. But I must say these two cigarettes a day almost killed me at first. It’s no joke to start smoking at my age”

MEDICAL HUMOUR: Julia Kolchik, 11b

Good Weekend
Written by Julia Kolchik, 11b

And again Ben woke up with the feeling that he would die very soon. He decided to go to the doctor and try to explain to him that he is sick. He went to different doctors and everyone sent him to hell. He went into the office to Dr. Heller and immediately said:

  - Doctor, I'm really ill. And I'd like to tell you all of my minor troubles and diseases. Sit comfortably and listen to the huge list of them. Firstly, I have nosebleed, headache, a scald, a bite. Secondly, yesterday I hurt my leg and when I wanted to relieve pain with ointment, I twisted my ankle. After that, I don't know how, I injured my arm. Moreover, I scratched my finger with paper and hit my little toe. It was very painful. Yesterday I was upset because I hurt every part of my body, and decided to disinfect my body with a bottle of whiskey. Then I mixed it with beer and champagne. Why did I do it? I was really upset. Later I felt giddiness and vomiting. And today I have hangover... Maybe I need take painkillers, aspirin, antibiotics or sleeping pills? Or maybe I must be operated on? Will my organs get inflamed?

HEALTH CARE: Maria Popovich, 11b

How To Be A Doctor
Written by Maria Popovich, 11b

It is true that to be treated by a good doctor is very important in our life. We know that only doctors can save our lives, help us to survive and cope with difficult situations in our life. It is clear that the doctors must be confident, respectful, empathetic, because they try to understand what we are feeling and experiencing, physically and emotionally, and communicating with their patients they understand them well. Furthermore, they have to be humane, for example, a good doctor is caring, compassionate, and kind. Also, the doctors must be forthright, because he or she tells us what we need to know in plain language and in a forthright manner.

HOW I GOT INJURED: Julia Tsvetkova, 11b

How I Got Injured
Written by Julia Tsvetkova, 11b

It was unbelievable! I had got the second fracture in my life. I didn’t even think would get injured again, but it happened. Once, during rehearsal, we were jumping over a huge rope, as it was part of our dance show. It was necessary, because we had to have a concert on the occasion of the ending of the dance season. We were exhausted, but continued to exercise. When it was my turn to jump, I did it and suddenly twisted my ankle. I will not lie, it was painful, but not to the point of losing consciousness. My leg wasn’t swollen; there weren’t any bruises, so I just sat to have a rest. The next day it hurt too and I didn’t know what I should do. So I continued to practice dancing, went to the local sanatorium to get some help and tried not to notice the pain.

HEALTH PROBLEMS: Maria Kostenko, 11b

True Story
Told by Maria Kostenko, 11b

  I want to share with you a true story which happened with me about three months ago, which reveals the drawbacks of healthcare system in Ukraine. That was not a pleasant experience for me and now I will tell you why. Well, I had a running nose without any additional symptoms such as a fever, a sore throat, sneezing and others, however, also l had splitting headaches especially in the evenings. I can't say that was unbearable, but a incessant snivel made me go to hospital. My father until the last moment said that everything was ok and this was a stupid idea. That was the end of the summer, so he thought I just exaggerated.