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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.




NARRATIVES: Julia Kolchik, 11b

Reviewed by Julia Kolchik, 11b

1) I liked Ira Dmytrychenko’s composition, because she described the atmosphere in the school so that it felt like I was there. The end of the story makes me smile. I enjoyed her story and advise everyone to read it to improve mood.

2) Next I read Anya Gaisha’s composition and the title of the story intrigued me. The story was easy to read. To cut a long story short I understood that the essay was about snowman.

3) Then I enjoyed Diana Nedbay’s story. She conveyed the atmosphere of a living city. If you like this type of stories, I advise everyone to read it.

4) After reading Maria Popovich’s essay, I must say that the plot is exciting. There are some thrilling episodes in the composition. It is worth reading.

5) I couldn’t help smiling while reading Julia Tsvetkova’s story. The composition tells us about a little kitten and how it began to live with Juli. On the whole the essay is absolutely wonderful.

6) I want to tell the truth, so I couldn’t help feeling a bit nervous when I was reading Maria Kostenko’s story. The composition was hard for me starting with the title. I had a twofold sensation and this is purely my opinion. All in all, I advise everyone to read it.

7) Kardashev Daniil’s essay was really engrossing. I can see this story is true, because he described his feelings very accurately. It is worth reading and enjoying kid’s emotions.

NARRATIVES: Maria Kostenko, 11b

Reviewed by Maria Kostenko

Ira Dmitrichenko. Her narrative is mystical, frightening and interesting.

Valentin Matviets. His narrative is worthy, gigantic, fratricidal.

Diana Nedbay. Her narrative is miniature, vital, cruel.

Maria Popovich. Her narrative is terrific, pleasant, atmospheric.

Julia Kolchik. Her narrative is horrid, fascinating, brilliant.

Julia Tsvetkova. Her narrative is pretty, cute, positive.

Daniil Kardashev. His narrative is hilarious, magical, unexpected.

Anna Gaisha. Her narrative is risible, kind, witty.

Dan Kotov. His narrative is brilliant, tense, delightful.

NARRATIVE: Perfect Present or Don’t Trust Your Friends

Perfect Present or Don’t Trust Your Friends
Written by Ira Stepanova, 11b

  That was a calm summer day. Jim was thinking about things he wanted to do but suddenly the phone rang. He rushed to it, saw his friend’s name and happily answered. "Hey, Finn, what's up?" Silence answered him. "Finn?" Jim felt nervous, because his friend never phoned him by mistake. He decided to ask again. "Finn?" The moment became tense. But suddenly, "Yeah, yeah, I'm here, sorry", the atmosphere immediately became calmer. "Wow, you scared me. So, what's up?" "I'm calling you to ask if you fancy coming come to my country house at weekends." Jim clapped his hands and exclaimed “Obviously”.

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Сірникова олімпіада 2015

Сірникова олімпіада 2015, грудень, проводять учителі Шарлаєва Ольга Костянтинівна і Марчук Наталя Геогріївна, допомагають учні 11-Б класу.

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