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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

Переможці обласних олімпіад 2016-2017 н.р

Переможці міських олімпіад 2016-2017 н.р.

Отчет фонда за октябрь 2017 г.


Кафедра суспільно-гуманітарних дисциплін

Кафедра природничо-математичного циклу

Кафедра іноземних мов

Адміністративний розділ


NARRATIVE: One Night at School

One Night at School
Written by Ira Dmytrychenko, 11b

  There was a freezing winter evening outside. The whole school was shrouded in ringing silence. Only cats were wailing loudly. The stars were already twinkling in the sky, illuminating the dark streets. Caleb, the teacher in high school, was sitting in his tiny parlor. He was absolutely exhausted. An annoying clatter of hours hovered over him. “I’ve been here too long,” Caleb thought nervously. But so much work was ahead.

NARRATIVE: The Blade of Millenia

The Blade of Millenia
Written by Valentin Matviets, 11b

  Kayn stood confidently in the shadow of the noxtoraa, surrounded by dead soldiers, and smiled at the irony. These triumphal arches of dark stone were raised to honor the strength of Noxus—to instill fear and to demand fealty from all who passed beneath them. Now this one was a tombstone, a monument to false strength and arrogance, and a symbol of the fallen warriors’ own fear turned against them.

NARRATIVE: Hello, Tokyo

Hello, Tokyo
Written by Sofia Nedbay, 11b

  Have you ever been to Tokyo? I’ve been and you cannot imagine that the journey was much more interesting and exciting than the work there.

  The weather outside was gorgeous bright morning sunlight shone trough my bedroom window when I heard my flat mate Kristina hysterically yelling, “Oh gosh, look at the time!” We hurriedly packed our things and dashed to the train station. But that was only the beginning.

NARRATIVE: Halloween Night

Halloween Night
Written by Maria Popovich, 11b

It was Halloween Night. Many children dressed up in fancy dress costumes and visited other homes in the neighborhood. At each house, they demanded sweets, snacks or a small gift. This is known as playing 'trick-or-treat'.

The company of teenagers, there were 5 of them - David, Jane, Kevin, John and Irma - decided to spend this holiday together in the old mysterious deserted house. They knew that this house was dangerous and scary, but they wanted to feel an adrenaline rush.

NARRATIVE: Was It a Dream?

Was It a Dream?
Written by J. Kolchik, 11b

  “It's time to go to bed”, Jessie said to herself and, yawning, headed for to the bed. She looked confident, although she was trembling, after watching a horror film a moment ago. “Who could watch a horror film alone?”, you’ll ask. Well, Jessica could. She assured herself that horror stories were fiction. Strolling along the huge study, she noticed a shadow of a headless person in the mirror in the corridor. She immediately closed her eyes with her hands and peered through her fingers again. Nothing. She hurriedly turned on the light hurriedly in the whole apartment.