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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

DON’T BE LAZY: Weed your garden

The Man Who Didn’t Weed His Garden
Written by Ivan Lazo, 8a

There was a man who lived alone in a big house in the village. Once he decided to plant strawberry. He hoped to have a good harvest of strawberries. He planned to sell his good harvest of strawberries at the market and earn money for his life.

The man bought the best variety of strawberry seedlings in the store. He spent the whole day to plant the seedlings into the ground and watered them very well. Every day the man watered his strawberry. Not only strawberry grew out every day but the grass became thicker and thicker. The grass had to be weeded at least once a week. The man had other work about the house, so he had no time to do the weeding.

DON’T BE LAZY: Prepare for exams

The Guy Who Cheated
Written by Ani Kupradze, 8c

This is the story of a guy who didn't pass exams 3 years ago. 

Once there was a boy who was in the 11th form. So he had to pass the exams. Everyone worked hard for the exams but not our hero. He did not care. Well, that day came when children had to pass the exams. The answers would come in a week.

DON’T BE LAZY: Put things in the right places

The Man Who Didn’t Put Things in Their Right Places
Written by Andrew Kikhtenko, 8a

There once was a man who lived alone in a little house in a small town. He always cooked his own dinner, cleaned the house by himself, and made his own bed.

DON’T BE SELFISH: Share things

The Man Who Didn’t Share Anything
Written by Anhelina Dikina, 8a

  There once was a rich man who lived alone in a big modern house. His name was Mike. He always came in time because he knew the proverb «Time is money». So everyday he worked very hard an earned much money. And of course he had many friends because he was an influential person. But nobody of his friends knew that he was very greedy.

DON’T BE LAZY: Water the plants

The Man Who Mixed Up Water with Chemicals
Written by Kate Korolenko, 8a

  On the edge of the little city there lived an old chemist. He lived alone. So he had nothing to do in his spare time. At last, he decided to plant houseplants. Every day in the morning and after the work he had to water his plants. At first the old man carefully looked after his plants.

DON’T BE LAZY: Take the trash out

The Boy Who Didn’t Take Trash Out
Written by Alexandra Bobrova, 8c

Once there lived a boy. He was like other boys, but he was lazy. He had never helped his mom or dad, until this happened.

INDIVIDUAL READING: Sherlock Holmes Stories

Five Orange Pips
Reviewed by Artur Shamyan, 8a

I read one of the most popular books in the genre of detective under the title The Stories about Sherlock Holmes. The book was written by Arthur Conan Doyle, a famous English writer.

The book consists of separate stories. There are different adventures in each story. Now I want to tell about the story under title The Five Orange Pips.

INDIVIDUAL READING: Magnolia Buildings

Magnolia Buildings
Reviewed by Sofiya Nedbay, 8a

The title of the book I have recently read is Magnolia Buildings. 

The book was written by Elizabeth Stucley. The scene is laid at 49 Magnolia Buildings. The plot is the following. The main characters are: Ally, Doreen, Val and Len. All they live in London on the third floor of Magnolia Buildings. The characters of this book have their own interests and ambitions. Of course they make many mistakes, which are peculiar to their age. But the atmosphere of goodness, justice and mutual respect helps children to see their actions and even misdemeanors in real life.


The Lost World
Reviewed by Alexandra Bobrova, 8c

During these holidays I read an interesting book under the title The Lost World. The book was written by my favorite author Arthur Conan Doyle. Also I read the books about Sherlock Holmes, but I want to tell about The Lost World. The action takes place one century ago when people tried to explore more places where they hadn’t been before. The scene is laid in England and in South America. The plot is the following: the expedition to South America and finding prehistoric animals. The main characters of the book are Mr. Malone, a journalist, two constant rivals Professor Challenger and Professor Summerlee and Lord John Roxton who sponsored the expedition.

American vs Ukrainian school: Anna Gaysha

American vs Ukrainian school