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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

LET’S PARTY: Sofia’s’s birthday

My Best Birthday Party
Written by Sofia Nedbai, 8a

  I`m going to tell about my 14th birthday because it was the most unforgettable party I had ever had. I have birthday on the 11-th of July. But I decided to hold a huge party on the 14th of July. So, my celebration took place in Odessa. It was an all-day event.

  The preparations didn`t take a long time. All my guests and I were in Koblevo on the 14th July. So I didn`t have to write invitations. We just had to book a table in the restaurant. I also didn`t have to clean the house, as my party was in another town. So I looked forward to celebrating that day.

LET’S PARTY: Marina’s birthday

The Best Birthday Party
Written by Marina Ikonomu, 8a

  I am going to tell about my best birthday party because it was the most unforgettable party I had ever had. It was my tenth birthday. I decided to celebrate it during 12 March. It was an all-day and all-night event. The party took place at my home.

The preparations took a long time. At first from 9 till 10 March my mother and I were doing the shopping in Metro and ATB. Then we started making the food. It was really fun to prepare a buffet with really delicious snacks. Then we went to the bakery to order an enormous cake and candles. I couldn’t wait to eat it. While I was cleaning the house I could smell these dishes. Also I had to put up the decorations and write invitations. So it took us 3 days to prepare for this party. When I finished the preparations I was looking forward to celebrating my birthday.

Отчет фонда за сентябрь 2017 г.




DON’T BE LAZY: Wash Windows

The Man Who Didn’t Wash the Windows
Written by Egor Shulga, 8a

In one industrial and big city there lived a man. This man was called Tomas. He was 20. Tomas lived in a skyscraper on the 25th floor.

He was hardworking. He liked to clean him flat, but didn’t like washing windows, and was rather afraid to wash them. He had been afraid of heights since childhood. To fix it, he went to the gym to become strong and not to be afraid of anything. But nothing helped.

DON’T BE COWARDLY: Go to dentists

The Man Who Was Afraid of Dentists
Written by Liza Streseva, 8c

  Once upon a time there lived a man. His name was George. He was a writer. George was the most ordinary writer but he had an unusual secret. He was very afraid of dentists so George never went to the hospital to heal his teeth.

DON’T BE MESSY: Eat neatly

The Man Who Didn`t Like Cats
Written by Larisa Sharapova, 8a

This is a man who lives alone in a big house in a small town. His name is James. He always cooked his own dinner, washed his dishes, cleaned the house…

DON’T BE LAZY: Take a shower

The Man Who Didn’t Have Shower
Written by Roman Bryzhatiy, 8a

  This is a story about man who lived in a small house in a small town. His name was Oliver. After work Oliver came home, cooked his own supper, washed dishes and went to the shower.

  One evening Oliver came very tired and decided to not go to the shower and to go there next evening. He ate, washed dishes and went to sleep.