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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.


PAST CONTINUOUS: Onischenko, 6b

Supernatural Family

All people in the world are different. But what happens with people who are very different from others?

In a family, there lived ten unusual people: two parents and eight children. No one knew what happened with these children but all of them had different abilities. They didn’t have friends and rarely went outside.

And one day these children went to school. They had good appearance but when nobody watched, they became uncontrolled. It was the first lesson Math. When Mathematics teacher came into classroom, she saw something horrible. Two twins were watching photo album, their superpower was transforming everything they saw into stone. One girl was watering a pot plant. She could grow flowers very fast. One boy was drawing a man on the blackboard; he could transform pictures into reality. One girl was reading a book. She was very clever and could read books very fast. One boy was eating inedible – he ate everything when he was hungry. One curly boy was wearing sandals with socks. He always wore something strange. And the girl with glasses was writing something. She could erase memory. So when the teacher screamed that girl erased everyone’s memory. The lesson began and no one could remember about it.

So that was the first day in school of this strange family. But it is a secret.


Інформація щодо цільових та вступних внесків літа 2019 р.

Інтернет-олімпіада з географії

Олімпіада з хімії 2018

Миколаївська книга

Дитяча биібліотека

Flex 2019

GRAMMAR IN USE: Alex Bobrova, 9c

Making Logical Assumptions Based on Pictures

One day I came across a very interesting picture, the sense of which remained a mystery to me. What could that little girl have done to make the policeman chase her? You can see how diligently she is trying to escape from the pursuer; most likely she may have done something very terrible. So what could this little criminal have done?

Let`s begin with the weather, true villains must know that the weather makes up 50% of success. The weather may be warm and very comfortable, as the girl is wearing light clothing, unlike the policeman. He could overheat and lose consciousness. The place is also very suitable for escape. For the real villain asphalt can`t help to hide, but the beach can. The sand must be hard to run, so the policeman might fall behind later. Conclusion - the girl must have planned her crime before, as she has chosen right time and place. Policeman might have been chasing the girl for quite a long time, look at his tired face. But the girl is full of energy, her facial expression tells us that she can`t lose. She may be even picking up speed, leaving the policeman to swallow the dust. But still, why is he keeping chasing her? Little girls can`t steal money from banks or shops, they are too young for that things. She could have stolen something tiny like jewels, children are very nimble creatures. However, if it had been something expensive there would be more policemen chasing her. Probably it may have been a crime against this policeman. Everybody knows children love sweets. And every self respecting policemen might be addicted to donuts; here the picture starts to come together. The girl must have snuck into the police station or police car and her aim was donuts. She may have eaten them right in front of the stunned policeman. Then she might have smiled at him and jumped out of the window on someone’s car, while making a flip. The frightened guardian of law just managed to pop out of the window when the girl was already hiding behind the bend. The chase must have been supposed to start here.

And don`t even think to persuade me. Right in front of you is a terrible elusive criminal, and who knows what she might do next.