Alex Bobrova

Now on quarantine all students around the earth have to take online classes. Everyone has their own opinion about that, but for me distance learning is great method to study during these hard times.

Distance learning process organized by our English teacher was truly effective and brought good results. I personally enjoyed our lessons.

Their effectiveness is manifested in the fact that we had work for every day. Thanks to those measures, we were able to successfully revise and learn new stuff. Many of us are lazy by our nature, so deadlines helped to keep us working hard. Also a big plus for us were rewards for our diligence and effort. Because it`s much more fun to work when you know that success and prizes are ahead. To work effectively you need positive emotions. Maria Evgenievna coped with that task. She kept posive all those months to make us happy and calm about future. I also need to add inter4esting task ythat were given to brighten up our grey days.

Of course there were some cons, fortunately they are few. They are due to schedule, because during quarantine every teacher tried to give us as much homework as possible. We used to have not much free time and were very tired. But most likely it`s the fault of each of us, students and teachers: some were lazy, some didn`t know how to use the computer, some were thinking that only their lesson is major. It`s unfortunate that good teachers like Maria Evgenievna suffer from such incompetence. If everyone taught like our English teacher, it would be so much better.

Perhaps such effective teaching can be improved by conducting online lessons: I think that will be interesting and cognitive, as well as very emotional, because everyone missed each other. Apps like zoom, skype and discord can help to conduct a lesson.

All in all, I can say that even in hard times there is a way to learn. The main thing is to have a desire to do so. Maria Evgenievna gave me such a desire and i`m grateful for that.


Artur Shamyan

"Alcatraz broke me", - this was said by one of the most dangerous American gangsters of 20th century, Al Capone, after he had got stabbed by his prison cellmate. Of course, he had already been broken by the most severe prison's conditions. Because, Al Capone used to be one of those gangsters, whom nobody could harm, even the governments. He used to go to a local prison, eat some steaks and go home. But then Alcatraz and... the beast is defeated. Too sad end for such a thug life, isn't it? Of course, people get what they deserve. But not always...

2020 had just started, when boom - coronavirus appeared, saying "let me introduce myself". As a result - worldwide quarantine. I used to like the idea of sitting at home instead of going to school, but now I hate it. Distant learning - senseless bullshit. Pseudo-tests - absurd. What do they mean? Students can easily cheat even in class. And only English is one that I love studying during the quarantine. To be honest, I refuse to do almost all the homework, except English. This is an achievement of my English teacher.

What a phenomenon! Maria Evgenievna is the only teacher, who doesn't waste her time on the pointless Zoom lessons. But her tasks are incredibly useful and effective. I like all the kinds of activities, offered by the teacher. She prepares us carefully for the tests, and this is the rare case, when my conscience doesn't let me cheat.

There are no difficulties, not mentioning that fact, that I often don't manage to do the work in time. But this even can't be regarded as work! This is just self-improvement, and it is interesting to learn English, I would do it even if there were not distant lessons at all! All the tasks are logically and carefully built to let me understand English. I really feel like I am spending my time wisely right now.

I can't really say, that the quarantine broke me, at least because I shouldn't say it. But it really demotivates me. The quarantine showed me, how meaningless and silly all this system of education is. I feel my hands falling every single day. And only English pleases me. Thanks to my dear English teacher!


Polina Ivanova

Now in our country different quarantine measures are being taken. For example now we are on a distance learning. It was quite difficult for us at first, but having no choice made us get used to.

What can I say about our English lessons? On one hand, it was quite difficult to master all the material. I think we should have had some video lessons, because I wasn’t able to learn all the material well.

But on the other hand Maria Yevgenyevna tried to make our learning easier and effective. She sent us the explanations of the topics and made us write explanations ourselves. It really helped me.

Other teachers made different online tests for us and I think it would be interesting, if we received such tests from our English teacher.

All in all, learning English at home was quite difficult for me. However I am absolutely sure, that Maria Yevgenyevna did everything, to make our educational process comfortable and effective.


Sofi Zotova

Well, studying has never been an easy process but distant learning is much worse. For orginized people as me, tasks and online lessons seam simple and logic but my friends, for whom organization is a weak point, cannot study on distance at all. Especially, it is difficult to organize yourself when you have an disorganized teacher. Luckily, the teacher of one of the most important subjects for me, Maria Evgenievna is extremely organized. To begin with, I`d like to say that I appreciate Maria Evgenievna for giving us only useful tasks. To prove my point of view, I have to say that if I didn`t do all the training work before my grammar test I would sure get a worse mark. Analyzing your mistakes is one of the most important things in preparing because you can find out your weak points.

However, there were some difficulties as well. The tasks, which I hated the most, were while we were preparing for our oral test. We had to explain every choice that is why I spent too much time on doing my homework.

During this hard period I can mark some teachers who really helped me to study and to master new material. I find online lessons with Samoylenko Olga Mikhailovna both useful and entertaining. She was the first teacher, who started to work with us in Zoom and explained the material, which we couldn`t master ourselves. I have also to mention my Ukrainian History teacher, who is the most understanding person in our school. He offered a new form of online lessons to save our time and strength. His tasks were not exaggerated and that is why I`m super grateful for him.

To cap it all, I would like to say that I`m sure that it is not the last time we study like this and after the quarantine our government will rethink the importance of the existence of the school we are used to.


Kate Korolenko

Distance learning turned out to be not so simple, as we counted on, and during this time we confronted many problems. Involuntarily, we compare other teachers and their methods of presenting material in this difficult period. However, our English teacher does her best. First of all, her organization stands out. Our lessons are planned and scheduled, we know what the topic of this and the next lessons is. I find it very useful that we also have deadlines with convenient runtimes. Also, her responsibility, because unlike many other teachers, Maria Evgenievna attaches files with a clear explanation of topics and assignments. She was also ready to explain the material to the student separately and constantly asked questions to make sure that we understand the topic.

But still, one of the main difficulties that confronted me was getting used to this kind of education. Previously, in the classroom, we could check the assignment together and the mistakes were explained, now I feel insecure about each sentence. Moreover, I kind of miss our creative work, group assignments and projects that we performed earlier.

Talking about other teachers during distance learning, I can say that many of them, on the contrary, should learn from Maria Evgenievna.


Ani Kupradze

This year we had to try distance learning. Unfortunately, not every teacher had the opportunity to conduct online lessons, but they were held anyway.

So, what about the English lesson? I think that our teacher did the right thing, that she sent to us a plan for preparing for the tests. There we could see when we were going to have a test. Also, it was clearly written at what time and when we must sent our h/w. Due to the fact that we missed many lessons, we began to forget grammar. It was difficult to remember all the rules, but even here our teacher helped us. I know that I have some problems with grammar and i`m working hard with this and I`m grateful to our teacher for the work she has done.

Honestly, the online lessons that our physics teacher conducted, they didn`t help me. At school, I at least a little understood this lesson, but now everything is different. All in all I want to say that I`m really grateful Maria Evgenievna for the work she has done.


Анна Борисенко

1. Что было сложно?

Было немного сложно с грамматикой.

2. Что было эффективно?

Уроки по скайпу.

3. Что можно позаимствовать из уроков других учителей, что реально помогло дистанционно осваивать новый материал?

Дистанционное обучение по английскому языку в нашей группе было самым организованным, был четкий план работы на неделю, все доступно и понятно объяснялось (а если что то было не понятно, дорабатывалось и разбиралось на скайп-уроке), английский язык – это единственный предмет во время дистанционного обучения, где все понятно: что, когда и куда нужно присылать учителю. Спасибо вам большое! Другим учителям стоит у вас поучиться.


Мария Гуртовая

1 Что было сложно?

• Если вовремя делать, то сложностей с выполнением заданий нет!

• дистанционное обучение не заменит Ваших уроков и общение с Вами!;

• организовать себя; спланировать время, + времени иногда катастрофически не хватало;

•  победить свою лень.


2 Что было эффективно?

• интересные задания;

• Ваш ежедневный контроль;

• рассказ устного текста в конце недели организовывал и стимулировал.

3 Что можно позаимствовать из уроков других учителей, что реально помогло дистанционно осваивать новый материал?

Юля сказала, что Вы лучшая!


Виктория Колчик

1 Что было сложно?

Самое сложное – самоорганизация ребенка, ничего не забыть, выполнить вовремя, отправить в нужный источник. Первая неделя была адаптационная и нервная. Но плюс в том, что дочь научилась работать с планером (разграфили календарь, задания выписывали на самоклеющихся листочках, выполненное удаляли).

Сами задания, по словам ребенка, соответствуют их уровню и были реальны в выполнении. Аудирование показалось сложным, но опять плюс, что можно было много раз переслушать.


Марина Белодед

Я в начале хочу написать в общем свои впечатления и размышления о дистанционном обучении английскому языку. Все мы понимаем, что дистанционное обучение - это была вынужденная мера из-за чрезвычайной ситуации с пандемией. Как вынужденную меру мы ее приняли и как могли старались, напрягались и выполняли. Но, по моему мнению - это не форма обучения языку в принципе. Язык, как я понимаю - это средство, способ коммуникации, общения, где 90% информации передается через контакт глаз, атмосферу, взаимодействия и отношения между людьми: со сверстниками, с учителем. В изучении языка просто необходимо видеть глаза, реакции человеческих проявлений при взаимодействии, впитывать живые диалоги и находиться в атмосфере живой, естественной человеческой конкуренции, что очень подстегивает и влияет на глубину, скорость и качество освоения материала. Но это все недоступно и невозможно при дистанционном обучении. Все разорваны друг с другом, изолированы, лишены главного, основного взаимодействия через что передается язык. Дети не видят, не слышат учителя. Не видят его живых реакций поддержки, одобрения или недовольства в свой адрес. Это состояние похоже на состояние депривации, т.е. не ощущения контакта с чем бы то не было: поверхностями, предметами, человеком. Такое состояние отнимает много сил на то, чтобы поддерживать себя в адекватности в принципе. Невозможно вырастить адекватного, не сумашедшего, умного, мыслящего любопытного, энергичного ребенка, если его с рождения иногда кормить из бутылочки. пеленать и класть отдельно в кроватку самого, где он будет постоянно один без общения, взаимодействия и контактов. В общем, я считаю, что дистанционная форма обучения языку - это крайняя, вынужденная, но неподходящая мера для того, чтобы выучить язык. Можно применять в самых чрезвычайных случаях, но выучить язык в таком режиме очень сложно.