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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

WE COMMENT: Valik’s poetry

Reviewed by Ira S.
I liked Valik’s poem, especially these lines.
Ничего не случается дважды.
И, к сожалению,тот факт плачевным есть,
Что мы являемся случайно
И закроем глаза, не успев книгу жизни прочесть.
It’s a really hard job – being a judge. Obviously, I don’t think I said as much as this poem deserves. I believe that Valik tried his best.

WE COMMENT: Dima’s poetry

Reviewed by Ira S.
Dima used parallel rhyme, which made the verse beautiful:

Приходим в жизнь мы лишь однажды,
Ни что в ней не бывает дважды.
Один раз – будем рождены,
Один раз- умираем мы.

Reviewed by Maria K.
I was impressed by Dima Lagno. I have known this loafer for years, that's why I was surprised he done this task. And I have never thought he can do such an accurate translation.


Reviewed by Ira D.
Olga gets the third prize for her senkan. She thinks that love is RESPECT and it is really so. If you love someone you must treat him with respect. I like the line “Love each other or perish”. Really - love is that thing that makes us live.

Reviewed by Nastya
It is the most romantic senkan.

Reviewed by Masha Popovich
On the first place is LOVE IS… written by Olga Bogacheva. After reading all the same poems I memorized only Olga`s poem. I don`t know why it happened. Maybe I felt every her world.

WE COMMENT: Nastya’s poems

Reviewed by Ira D.
Nastya gets the first prize. She thinks that love is ADORATION and I agree with her, I like her opinion most of all. You love only one person (I think it should be so) and this person is best for you. Also I agree that when you love, you should trust. Love must be built on the confidence.

Reviewed by Marina
N.Grinuk has written the poem with extraordinary ease,e very line transfers emotion and mood of a verse.

Reviewed by Olga
The most expressive poetry turned out to be the poetry written by Nastya Grinuk. Rhetorical questions emphasized her feelings.

Reviewed by Masha Popovich
The third place goes to the translation by Anastasia Grinuk (Розкажу тобі думку таємну). I think that her poem isn`t bad though she didn`t comply the rhyme. But it is very difficult to translate English poem.


Reviewed by Diana
Masha’s most breathtaking statement deserves the third prize.

Reviewed by Ira D.
Maria gets the second prize. She thinks that love is AFFECTION and, to my mind, it is true. When you love someone, you depend from him. Sometimes love can hurt, because you give to it all you have, but love can also inspire us and can make us happy.

WE COMMENT: Anastasia’s LOVE IS…

Reviewed by Diana
Anastasia deserves the first prize - I liked the emotional expressiveness of her statement, the power of influencing the reader.

Reviewed by Maria K.
I really like the poem, which Anastasia Sidorchuk wrote. I don't know how to explain that, but I suspect her meaning about love was caused by the poetry of Russian classics. And to be honest I like everything she writes.

WE COMMENT: Max’s efforts

Reviewed by Diana
He translated the full version of the poem.

Reviewed by Julia K.
In the end I would like to note Maxim's verse. He translated very accurately and it turned out well. He translated the original verse. My favorite lines:

Нет дней похожих: ни вчера, ни завтра
Ночей блаженства нам не повторить….

Reviewed by Lera
The most refined

Reviewed by Daniil
In my opinion, Maxim`s translation is very literary I can read again and again
with a good portion of enjoyment

WE COMMENT: Daniil’s masterpieces

Reviewed by the author
Unconditionally, the best translation is mine, so it is beyond competition. Okay, jk, I just can`t judge myself without fear or favor.

Reviewed by Diana
His poem has brightness of images, expressiveness, richness of rhymes, great vocabulary.

Reviewed by Ira S.
I admired Daniil’s poem. I liked these lines:

В помине нет двух дней, чтоб стали кряду,
И двух ночей нет равных по закату.

Reviewed by Julia K.
I enjoyed Danya’s poem. Most of all I like here these lines:

…. Иль в поцелуях робких, иль в сияниях улыбок
Под звёздами пытаемся достичь мы унисона.
Пускай мы разные совсем, дружок,
Как бьющихся о крышу капель ливня хор трезвона.
Moreover, his translation is different from the others, that's why I want to reread again and again.

Reviewed by Vlad L.
I liked this verse:

Зачем глядим на мимолётный день
С такою конской долею трепета, печали -
Не отбросит он на завтра тень
А, скорей, растает в ближайшей дали.

WE COMMENT: Diana’s “Жизнь одна”

Reviewed by Valentin
The first prize goes to Diana Nedbay from 10B. It's very original, looks good. And it can be clearly seen that there was some time wasted on this translation.

Reviewed by Natalie
The winner in the category “The Melody of the stanzas”

Reviewed by Ira S.
Diana’s poem was great! I really liked her rhymes and this verse I admired most:

Ничто не случается дважды,
И знаете, скорбь моя в том,
Что здесь мы бываем однажды,
Не в праве менять всё потом.

Reviewed by Ira D.
Diana conveyed the meaning of the poetry and kept the rhyme and melody. Like Ira S., Diana used the art means, and my favorite is the personification “Одарит ночь блаженством, что не будет вновь”

Reviewed by Julia K.
I read Diana Nedbay’s poem. She used cross-rhyme:

…. дважды,
…. моя в том,
…. однажды,
…. всё потом.

It is evident that Diana tried and efforts were not in vain.

Reviewed by Vlad L.
I was really impressed with Diana's translation! I really like the way she rhymed it and this verse I admired most:

Ничто не случается дважды,
И знаете, скорбь моя в том,
Что здесь мы бываем однажды,
Не в праве менять всё потом.

WE COMMENT: Nikita’s “Единожды”

Reviewed by Valentin
The second prize goes to Nikita Ahmetzhanov from 11A. Really nice and this translation brings pleasure while you're reading it.

Reviewed by Natalie
The winner in the category “Golden Feather”

Reviewed by Valera
Nikita gets an award for “Velvet rhymes”

Reviewed by Anastasia
Nikita is awarded in nomination “For the living things”.

Reviewed by Lera
The most unusual translation