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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Ivan Onischenko, 8b

by Ivan Onischenko, 8b

  “Help!” - Sarah was scared to death. She was at home alone while her husband was at the office. At first, she had been very bored, so the girl decided to watch the film IT, which her friends had recommended to her. Sarah was not a horror fan, but her friends had convinced her, although she was very terrified. She watched half of the film with closed eyes, and when it ended, she was trembling all over and could not get up from the sofa. Suddenly from the basement Sarah heard someone laughing. “Who is it?” - she asked. The girl decided to get up from the sofa and went to the basement. When Sarah turned on the light she saw a huge clown with long and sharp teeth. She was incredibly frightened and panicky. She ran out of the basement and went to the bedroom, where she hid in the closet. Sarah gasped at fear. She was shivering and biting her nails. She heard the steps of the clown. Suddenly, the monster opened its doors to the closet and Sarah fainted. “I won't do that anymore” – said Sarah’s husband when the girl came to her senses. It turned out that he wanted to congratulate her with Halloween. The man had bought a clown costume and persuaded their friends to recommend a movie to Sarah. “I love you, forgive me please!” - he begged.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Ivan Onischenko, 8b

by Ivan Onischenko, 8b

  Janet Black looked out of the window of the old building. It was dark and wet. Rain was coming down heavily. The streets were empty. No cars, no people … nothing. Suddenly a flash of lighting tore across the sky. She shivered with fear. A huge spaceship was approaching the building. “They’ve found me,” she gasped. “I can’t get away now…

Janet worked as a scientist. Together with their partner, they developed a completely secret project, a device for communication with aliens. She had already met with aliens once. It was at night. Then she had already finished her device but decided never to use it because it could be incredibly dangerous. She was at home all alone and was reading a scientific journal. It was very dark and quiet when suddenly something very bright shone through the window of Janet's house. She went outside and stared at the sky.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Nastya Bychenko, 8b

by Nastya Bychenko, 8b

  Have you ever seen chaos? If yes, you can imagine what the Stones' apartment looked like. Jacob was standing in the hallway with his mouth hanging open in horror and amazement. His eyebrows were raised as high as they could and his eyes were wide open. He still couldn't believe he'd been robbed. However, he understood that he had to do something could not do nothing because every lost minute worked for the burglars. He decided to immediately find out what had been stolen and report it to the police. What else worried him was that his wife Lianna would be very upset and alarmed.

You would think that it was an ordinary theft of which there were many. But it was full of strangeness: after a thorough search Jacob found that nothing of value had been stolen, but of course one could not say for sure as the house was a complete mess. But all the money, jewels and important documents were untouched. Lianna behaved very strangely, as if she was not interested in the incident, she was very thoughtful, constantly looking around and shuddering after every rustle. In all this she seemed to be furious, but she got never tired of repeating that it should be forgotten as a bad dream. By the way, the police said the same thing, that it was just someone's silly joke. But Jacob wanted to get to the bottom of this. He caused a whole scandal at the police station:

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Kate Lomakova, 8b

by Kate Lomakova, 8b

  Diana is one of the most popular IQ masters in the United States. She works for a well-known FBI. She was the best of the best. There were many secrets inside her computer that politicians did not reveal. She had a flash drive where all this information was. Hundreds of hackers tried to hack into her computer and steal the flash drive. But only she knows the password that can be entered only once.

For two months her computer was buggy and some information disappeared, letters «AC» were constantly displayed on the screen. It was very strange because passwords and face id were everywhere . One day she was working at her wooden desk. It was about midnight and everything was quite. She felt tired after all this hard work, but now the computer disc was ready. Suddenly she heard a noise outside her office. Someone was trying to come in. Diana wasn’t surprised she knew they were coming for her. She looked at the door, then calmly said “I know that is you”

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Kravchenko Artem, 8b

by Kravchenko Artem, 8b

  Paula sat at home and watched the film. Her parents were at work. Mom told her not to to open the door to anyone and wait for them. Paula watched a horror movie and ate popcorn. The film was about thin white creatures. Paula was scared to be at home after what she had seen and she went up to the window, hoping that her parents had already arrived.

Paula was looking out of the window. It was dark and wet outside. Big raindrops were running down the glass. Then she saw them and gasped in horror. Two thin, white creatures were walking towards the window. Her hands began to shake as she realized that their eyes were staring right into hers.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Veronika Kolchyk, 8b

by Veronika Kolchyk, 8b

  60 years, according to Peter, it was already a frank old age. He had no children, grandchildren, his wife had died three years ago, and until now he felt her presence and did not believe that she was not there. Every day of Peter was not so cheerful, everything was ordinary, without any joy... Peter daily looked after his garden and house. However, he refused to weed the grass in the very place near the stuffed animal, which scared off the pheasants. As a child, while going to the toilet, he noticed that the stuffed animal was alive! It blinked and moved like a flag! The parents did not believe the boy, because "It's just the wind, sonny." Since then, he had not touched the straw man. And then he realized that this was not the case and he needed to pull himself together.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Veronika Kolchyk, 8b

by Veronika Kolchyk, 8b

  Hey! I'm Patrick - an ordinary guy from a small town in Canada. "I am unhappy in life, probably - this is my destiny" - my favorite phrase. Strict, incomprehensible parents, lack of a successful future, and of my friends - only Diana, who I really like to all this. “Study is the most important thing! And then your beauties girls!” - words of father and mother. What's your personal life? "Especially when you look like a" rag "! Of course! Everyone will choose a handsome, pumped-up guy with a tall stature! Who needs me anyway ?!" And even my friend Diana does not understand my hints: coffee and donut every day, walks on the love bridge, constant gifts... But she still loves Steve! This brainless jock from the parallel class! And what a jealous Steve! Oooh... At the beginning of their romance with Diana, he was against me. "This bespectacled man is with us to the party? Well, honey, let's not today!" The bespectacled man? Yes, I am smarter than you as many times as you have cubes!

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Maria Kaminskaya, 8b

by Maria Kaminskaya, 8b

  Arthur got into a fight with his parents, and to calm down a bit, he went for a walk on the street. He took his dog with him so he wouldn’t be so lonely. It was already dark outside, black clouds were gathering in the sky, a cold wind was blowing and the atmosphere was not the best. The boy was so angry, he didn’t even notice he was quite far from home. Suddenly, lightning flashed, Arthur’s dog, apparently frightened, started barking, and broke out of the leash, rushing off into the dark. Naturally, the boy could not abandon his dog and ran after it. Arthur was frightened, but it was even more frightening to lose his close friend. Not seeing anything, the boy stumbled and felt the chill sweeping through his body. He had fallen fell into the river! The water was icy, the sky was deafening with thunder and blinding lightning. The boy saw that there were branches near him, but could not grasp them, but it was his only chance of survival. But Arthur started choking himself, and he didn’t know what was going on, he gave up, he didn’t have the strength to fight, he lost consciousness, his body drifted further and further into the open sea.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Alexandra Kaltashkina, 8b

by Alexandra Kaltashkina, 8b

  Elina, my best friend from kindergarten was very scared today. Ever since she was going to my house to watch horror films this morning she noticed something wrong. She came running to me panting and crying.

- Close all the doors and windows, shut or do something, turn on the lights everywhere and give me the knife! - She shouted as soon as she had got in and had made sure the door behind her was definitely closed.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE:Daria Khomenko, 8b

It was just a game…
by Daria Khomenko, 8B

It was an ordinary evening. Ann spent the night at Lara's house. They had fun: they were taking pictures of each other, drinking cocoa. Suddenly Lara decided to play a game associated with terrible creatures. Ann began to dissuade her, since after the last time she had been scared. -“Oh, it's just a game,” Lara said. She voiced the rules, took out the necessary things and the game began. For the first half hour, nothing much happened, but Ann was afraid and she was trembling. Suddenly Ann heard that someone had knocked on the door...