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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE:Julia Gurtova, 8b

by Julia Gurtova, 8b


For many years in Epirus there have been legends about man who brings death everybody whom he touches. Once or twice a month people disappear and police don’t know who has taken them away, so they say that it has been “a man in black”. Somebody says that it is Than Atos, Greek God of death. He left Gates of Death and went to search for lost souls.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Nastya Bychenko, 8d

by Nastya Bychenko, 8d

“Defeat? I do not understand the meaning of this word.”

It seemed that everyone had heard about her and at the same time no one had seen saw her. But those who knew her personally claimed that the world had never seen women like that. She differed from the others not only by her unearthly beauty, but also by her sharp mind. She trusted no one in her decisions, sometimes not even her heart. But who was this mysterious stranger? Oh, her line of work was very specific. She specialized in the irretrievable borrowing of especially precious items from wealthy people with bad hearts. Someone would think she did that out of nobility, but no. She believed that the worse a person was, the bigger purse was.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Maria Olsht, 8c

by Maria Olsht, 8c

Janet Black was extremely frightened by this turn of events. She looked through the foggy laboratory window but could see nothing. The girl tried to look around, but to no avail. Around only bright white walls, which were so unpleasant to the eyes, so she even had to squint; and a clouded newfangled window. Fear gripped Janet's body. "Really, I will die like this, in this disgusting room?" - the girl thought to herself. But as soon as she thought, Janet heard rapidly approaching footsteps somewhere outside the door.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Kseniia Hrasman, 8c

by Kseniia Hrasman, 8c

Paula was looking out of the window. It was dark and wet outside. Big raindrops were running the glass. Then she saw them and gasped in horror. Two thin, white creatures were walking toward the window. Her hands began to shake as she realized that their eyes were staring right into hers. Paula turned and ran to her bedroom, she entered a room, went to her desk and took a piece of paper. Two white thin creatures, so similar to creatures she had already seen were drawn there. Paula sighed in surprise.

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Sasha Goncharova, 8c

by Sasha Goncharova, 8c

  It was a sunny afternoon. David and his friends were sailing along the coast, enjoying the warm weather. A light breeze was blowing across the bay. They all felt relaxed. Rick and Tyler were helping David sail the boat as the others were sitting talking about their plans for summer holidays. Suddenly, the wind started blowing strongly and the sea became rough. Waves began crashing against the boat, making everyone lose their balance. Dark clouds covered the sky. David was trying to lower the sails when Rick cried “Where’s Tyler?”

IT'S FUN TO WRITE: Andrew Chernenko, 8c

by Andrew Chernenko, 8c

  Jake and Bill had been friends since childhood. They went to the same kindergarten in the same school together. After that, their paths parted, Jake became a journalist, and Bill was taken into the Army. Twenty years later, Bill was in good standing with the Canadian Army and even had his own small arms business. One cold winter day, when he was sitting in his office, the bell rang. Bill once again thought that he was being offered to buy some goods, picking up the phone, he wanted to yell at the seller, but when he heard an old familiar voice - "Hello, this is Jake" - Bill's face immediately changed to a slight smile. “Haven’t heard from you for quite a while,” answered Bill, he was definitely glad to hear his old friend. Jake told him a story about a terrible monster that lived in the Alberta Mountains which he was going to catch, explaining that thanks to the exposure of this myth they would become known, but he needed a partner. For the sake of their old friendship, Bill agreed, the meeting was scheduled in the town of Edmonton, not far from the forest.