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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.





DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Sofi Zotova, 11a

Sofi Zotova, 11a

We all know that sport helps to prolong our life, to keep our body and muscles in tonus, to loose weight. However, professional sportsmen sacrifice their health to achieve good results. So professional sport has some dark sides.

Firstly, every sportsman has to train a lot, that`s why their body withstands excessive loads. It often leads to the depletion of the body. What is more, professional sport makes you addictive to it. You may ask if it is possible. Yes, it is. The sportsman`s heart works in in enhanced mode so when the person gives up sport its heart cannot work anymore in a mode of a normal person. It becomes addictive to sport lifestyle. That is why even if the sportsman is retired he has to train to the end of his life.

DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Lisa Streseva, 11c

Lisa Streseva, 11c

We are all used to thinking that doing sport is always something healthy, something that give us stamina and good fit. Most people think that it couldn`t be bad for us. Bad what if I tell you that almost all sport, except chess of course, can be dangerous for ourselves. Someone will say: “It`s just about traumas. Yes, it`s painful, but not so dangerous”. Let me tell some stories, that will show that in sport, traumas aren`t the most terrible, especially in competitive sports.

Let`s begin with athletic sports. We all know, that now no sportsman allowed to dope during competitions. Dopes make competition unfair, because they help man to win. But do you know that there was a man who died because of dopes? It was Knut Janssen, cyclist, who died because of dopes and hot weather on cycle competition. It was the first death because of them.

DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Alina Kovalenko, 11c

Alina Kovalenko, 11c

Sports activities prolong life, help maintain good shape, lose weight, or, on the contrary, gain muscle mass. But, if it comes to professional sports, then the picture is completely different. Athletes, at the cost of their health, achieve heights and it's not just illegal drugs, as some might think. Today I want to tell you about my personal experience in sports and tell about all the dark sides of it.

Using volleyball as an example, I want to say that sport is a test not only for the body but also for emotional health. Volleyball was and remains my favorite sport to this day, although I did not do it professionally, I can say for sure that there are drawbacks in it. Firstly, if you want to reach heights, these are excessive loads that wear out your body. Full control over one's capabilities, the modes that must be maintained, etc., can morally kill an athlete because you cannot relax. Secondly, an athlete is a person who is on a diet all life. Every extra gram can knock your indicators down and ugly your stats. The next point I want to say about the injury risk of volleyball, because you are always on the move. If you want to play volleyball, you must be prepared for dislocations, always tired arms and legs, and the next day after training, your whole body may hurt.

THE DARK SIDES OF SPORT: Kate Korolenko, 11a

Kate Korolenko, 11a

Seems like now the universal beliefs that sport is great for both mental and physical health are heard from every corner — that it has become an integral part of the life of modern youth. Undoubtedly, this is so, but, I'm sure, each of us has repeatedly had a question: what secrets and dark sides does sport conceal behind a good impact on human life and health?

Obviously, the sport itself, and especially extreme sports, involve danger and risk to life. In almost any sport, there is a possibility of injury, which doesn't always even depend on whether a person is involved in sports professionally or whether they are a beginner. Many famous athletes, who have been in sports for many years, are injured because of carelessness, sometimes so seriously that they can lead to lethal consequences.

DARK SIDE OF SPORT: Polina Ivanova, 11c

Polina Ivanova, 11c

Each of us has ever done sports. Usually, parents send their children to different sport clubs to make them healthy and versatile. There are actually many benefits to doing sports, such as physical and mental health, it reduces stress level, increases self-esteem, improves sleep quality and reduces risk of various diseases. But there is also a dark side of sports. Now I will tell you a little about what you can face when doing sports.