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Six videos demonstrating CLIL used in classes from primary schools and vocational colleges

Обласні олімпіади 2019-2020

Міжнародні іспити


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Шануємо Кобзаря в його день.

Шануємо Кобзаря в його день. Писарєв Сашко й Авер'янова Лаура разом з поетом.

Рішення Президії Піклувального Фонду від 02.03.2020

BEST OF THE BEST: Hagia Sophia

By Victoria Kravchenko, 7D

  This landmark is called Hagia Sophia. It is located in Istanbul (historically Constantinople), Turkey. Tourists will be amazed by its interior decoration and greatness. It is 55 m high and 82 m long. It is famous, because it is the only temple in the world, which at first was an orthodox cathedral, and then it became a Muslim mosque.

Hagia Sophia is made of marble. The supports are made of brick. The gigantic dome system became a masterpiece of architecture of its time. There are 140 columns in Hagia Sophia. On the walls of the temple one can see frescoes depicting Christ and Our Lady and quotes from the Koran, on four large oval-shaped shields. The mosque consists of 3 storeys.

BEST OF THE BEST: The World Heritage Site

By Anastasia Bychenko, 7D

  This landmark is called Colosseum. The original name of the Colosseum was The Flavian Amphitheater. Its current name comes from the name of the statue, which was located nearby. It is located in Rome, on the east bank of the river Tiber, on the east of the ancient Roman forum.

The Colosseum is famous for its strange form and its history. A long time ago it was a place for gladiator fights and people from over the world gathered there to see that incredible sight. Now it's a popular tourist destination. This landmark impresses with its size and form. The Colosseum is oval amphitheatre, 189 metres long, 156 metres wide and 57 metres high. This landmark is made of travertine marble, volcanic tuff and concrete. The Colisseum has 80 entrances, 4 storeys and 76 stairs. Stone benches are located around the arena as places for spectators. The Colisseum hasn't got a roof or dome, it is located in the open. The arena was lined with trapdoors, which could be opened from below so that the animals could make a dramatic entrance. When it was first built, the Colosseum was surrounded by an area paved with large travertine slabs with boundary stones set in the ground.