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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Liner Victoria I

Recommended by Sofia Senchina, 7d

If you want to cross the sea quickly and comfortably, then a liner is the most suitable option. Liner is a place where you can find everything from ordinary bedroom to night clubs and casino. A discount coupon is attached to every ticket. Also there is a high quality Wi-Fi.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Royal Grand Sharm

Recommended by Artem Kravchenko, 7c

When I was in Egypt last summer, I lived in a luxurious and comfortable hotel. It is called Royal Grand Sharm. It is a five-star hotel with friendly staff. They are capable of speaking a few languages, including Russian and English.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Faraana Heights Resort

Recommended by Veronika Kolchik, 7b

Last spring my dad decided to visit Egypt. We were happy, because the year was quite hard and we wanted to relax. So, my family flew to Egypt, exactly to the resort city Sharm el Sheikh. The flight was not so long, about 4 hours. When we arrived, we checked into the hotel, which is called Faraana Heights Resort.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Golden Fleece

Recommended by Julia Gurtovaya, 7b

GOLDEN FLEECE villa is set in the village Skhidnytsya in the Carpathians. In this village all conditions have been created for the complex treatment of many diseases with mineral waters. There are 38 sources and more than 17 wells with various healing properties.

If you turn off the asphalt road that leads from Borislav, then on the right, not far from the chapel, you will find a wide path that snakes up among the fir trees and leads you to the "Golden Fleece" villa.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Hotel Welland

Recommended by Alexandra Goncharova, 7c

Hotel Welland is a place for entertainment and relaxation. It is located in the Carpathians closer to Yaremche. Hotel Welland offers guests the opportunity to enjoy a delightful holiday full of fun and surprises.

The first thing you will notice when walking on the way to the Hotel is an excellent landscape of mountains and beautiful and well-groomed gardens.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Beskid, Ivano-Frankovsk region

Recommended by Vladimir Sannikov, 7c

Camping is a popular form of living outdoors. It gives people the opportunity of spending their free time in the lap of nature. If you don’t have any experience you may start by spending a night in a tent in your own back yard and finally go on a trip that may last for some weeks.

Some campers stay in one place for a week or even longer. From there they visit tourist attractions, go fishing, hunting, play games and do active sports or simply relax. Others prefer to tour areas and spend every night in a different place, they travel by car.

Booking.com - BOOK ON-LINE NOW: Albatros Aqua Blu Hotel

Recommended by Andrey Chernenko, 7c

Albatros Aqua Blu Hotel is situated in the bay Ras Umm El Sid, in the town Sharm El Sheikh, south Sinai, Egypt. This modern hotel is a part of Aqua Park City and it consists of a theme aqua park and a 450-meters-long walking street with cafes, restaurants, bazaars, supermarkets and bakeries. It is only 10 kilometres from well-known Naama Bay and 3 kilometres from Old City. The hotel offers quests the chance to experience an enjoyable holiday full of fun and surprises.

2 квітня - Всесвітній день поширення інформації про аутизм

Психологічна служба гімназії повідомляє:


Ми всі - дуже різні. Бачимо і сприймаємо світ по-різному. І дуже важливо поширювати цю інформацію у суспільстві - особливо доносити її дітям.
Сьогодні, у День поширення інформації про аутизм, закликаємо вас подивитися це чарівне відео всією родиною. Поговорити про нашу різність та її силу, про нашу рівноправність!

Поради психолога щодо карантину


Рішення позачергового засідання Президії Піклувального фонду ... від 27.03.2020