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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.


Misunderstanding Between Parents and Children
Dasha Pavlova, 10c

  We all had a situation when in our teenage “difficult” years we quarreled with our parents because of misunderstanding. We want to wear jeans, and mom says to wear a dress because you're a girl or we are listening to music that dad doesn't like, instead of getting ready to go to college. A teen girl wants to become an actress in the future, and her mother says that she should go to the engineering department. Quarrels occur because of everything: friends, hobbies, mess in the room, poor grades, clothes ... But how can we avoid misunderstanding between children and parents?

  Let’s start with tips for parents. First, be extremely honest with your child. Show interest in everything that children do, ask how they spent the day. Also, spend more time with your child. Show children a good example of their habits. Remember, a teenager is an insecure person who cannot figure out many things by himself, help them him figure them out for their own.


How to Meet People or How to Talk with Them If You Are Shy?
Jennie Pugach, 10c

  How to talk to the people if you are shy? Nowadays this issue is becoming/has become more urgent because people spend less time communicating with each other and prefer social networking sites to live communication. It certainly makes life easier, but we also must not forget how to speak and to meet with new people. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to do if you're shy. Shyness is a big problem in our days. Many people are afraid to start a dialogue with unknown people because they think that they will interfere or create inconvenience. Shy people fall in panic if they have to talk or perform in public eye. How to deal with this problem?

  First of all, improve self-confidence and use it if you want to talk to someone.


What if Your Relative Is a Big Boss?
Written by Liz Parnak, 10c

  In the modern world, there are many blogs that "help" us solve our problems. But do they really give us sensible advice? Or do they say corny obvious things? In my essay I will speak specifically about the problem from my own experience. I don’t know if this essay will help anyone, but I’m sure many of you will accept my point of view.

  Guys, open up! In fact, the theme is: "What if your relative is the head master of your school?" I want to talk about your attitude to it and about your behavior (I will speak from my point of view and by my own example)

10 жовтня - Всесвітній день психічного здоров’я 2019

Психологічна служба гімназії повідомляє:

Сьогодні День психічного здоров’я!

Як каже Всесвітня організація охорони здоров'я, психічне здоров'я включає «суб'єктивне благополуччя, — стан благополуччя, в якому людина реалізує свої здібності, сприйняту самореалізацію, автономію, компетенцію, залежність між поколіннями та самореалізацію інтелектуального та емоційного потенціалу та ін.» Крім того, ВООЗ стверджує, що благополуччя особистості охоплюється реалізацією її здібностей, подоланням нормальних життєвих напружень, можливостями протистояти звичайним життєвим

Звіт діяльності Президії Піклувального фонду за 2018-2019 навчальний рік.

Міський турнір "Юних географів" 2019

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