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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

Психолог учням

ЦІКАВА ІНФОРМАЦІЯ ДЛЯ БАТЬКІВ! Що таке психічне здоров’я людини?

За матеріалами Internet:

Під нормальним психічним здоров’ям розуміється гармонійний розвиток психіки, відповідне віку, віковій нормі даної людини.
Сприятливий функціональний стан розглядається як комплекс характеристик і функцій, що забезпечують ефективне виконання людиною завдань, що стоять перед ним у різних сферах життєдіяльності. Одним з провідних показників функціонального стану психіки є розумова працездатність, яка інтегрує основні характеристики психіки – сприйняття, увага, пам’ять. Під розумової працездатністю розуміють «певний обсяг роботи, що виконується без зниження оптимального для даного індивідуума, рівня функціонування організму». Висока розумова працездатність – один з основних показників психічного здоров’я і важливий індикатор сприятливого функціонального стану організму в цілому.

SWEET TIME: Can you recognize who is who?

LIFE USED TO BE DIFFERENT: Angelina Dikina, 10a

The Story of My Great-grandmother

Nowadays, people constantly complain about their lives. They don’t even think that many years ago humanity was thinking how to survive, and not about comfortable conditions that it didn’t have.

My great-grandmother Vera went through ordinary everyday difficulties, but through two wars, which cast doubt on the existence of humanity. Soon after she had been born in 1923 in Ukraine in a German settlement, the famine began during which her father died. Therefore, the family was forced to move to Georgia, where they used to work hard on tea plantations. For this work, the recruits gave them shelter and paid very little money. Every day they would eat onions, dolphin fat, tea, water and potato peels. They had been working for two years and the Georgians were very pleased with them. Good people over time even allocated them their own house. Of course, their life became a little better, because in Georgia there was not such a terrible hunger which they had used to suffer from in Ukraine. Of course, the grandmother and her brothers got used to new people and their language and life began to improve. But grandmother didn’t get used to new climate and got malaria. The disease worsened, and the medicines she couldn’t get used to, didn’t help at all. And in the end, the doctor said that if Vera didn’t change her place of residence with a comfortable climate for her, she would die. That’s why all family was made to move to Ukraine, in Kirovograd where their relatives lived.


How Was It In The Eighties?

Now on the Internet, such a trend as nostalgia is gaining popularity. In the USA, internet users are re-experiencing the sunny 80s, which is facilitated by relevant games, music and movies. Many people recall those times with a smile, as many lived their best years in the 80s. Young people, like me, want to find out more about what they themselves didn`t catch, but what they constantly heard about from adults who spoke of the 80s, some with a shudder, some with a laugher. So what were the eighties like and how do they differ from nowadays?

LIFE USED TO BE DIFFERENT: Roman Bryzhatyi, 10a

My Grandfather’s Work

My grandfather was born on the 22.06.1959. Now he is 60 years old and he is pretty old now. He went through many things in his life. And one of these things is his work as a sailor. Thanks to this work he visited a great number of countries and saw many interesting things.

My grandfather didn’t use to live in rich family but they had money for happy life. He was the second child in family out of three. His father was a sailor too. When his mother gave birth to his youngest brother he had to get used to taking care of him because their mother always was on work. When he was a teen he used to catch fish in an interesting way without fishing rod and sell it. I’m used to sitting at home he is used to saying that his childhood was more interesting and after these words I always go outside for a walk with my friends. After graduation he decided that he wanted to be a sailor like his father and entered university in Odessa.

LIFE USED TO BE DIFFERENT: Alice Golovchenko, 10a

The School Years of My Parents

Pupils of the 80s and pupils of nowadays are different. Our parents were more diligent, went to school in any weather conditions, in any condition, we are more fortunate. It has seemed very interesting to me to ask my parents a couple of questions to find out what the difference between schools of different years is.

Did you find it easy to study? Were you an excellent student? What medal did you graduate with ?

Mother: Learning used to be easy. In elementary school I used to be an excellent student, graduated from school with 3 fours.

Father: Yes, I used to be an excellent student and graduated from high school with a silver medal. Learning used to be easy.


Changes in My Mom’s Life

I would like to tell about the period in my mother's life when she graduated from school and went to University. In high school, my mother used to be visited by thoughts about what kind of life she would have at University. It seemed that the 11th grade was already adult life, but it was only the beginning.

The choice of the Institute was difficult. When she entered the Institute, everything changed. Student life was not the same as it used to be at school. Interesting people, interesting subjects, everything was much more serious. It took her a long time to get used to the new team, to the new teachers, to the new city. Until now, she is getting used to self-studying working materials. You have to learn all your life. There used to be strict parental control, and at University she felt free. It was hard, but she got used to this independence. There used to be a lot of time to see friends, and at the Institute she was sorely lacking it. At the Institute, my mother got married and her life changed dramatically. She didn’t use to understand what having a family meant.

Сценарій заходу. Інтелектуальний мовограй «Я знаю українську мову, а ти?»

Автор: Купцова В.В.,
учитель вищої категорії, учитель-методист,
заслужений учитель України

Облаштування: На вході до приміщення, у якому відбувається захід, двоє учнів з мовного патруля кожному учасникові  ставлять мовне запитання, що вимагає короткої  відповіді (за експрес-уроками Олександра Авраменка). Якщо відповідь правильна, учасникові прикріплюється значок «Я люблю українську мову»,