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Термінові номери 2019


Термінові номери



CAREER PLANS: POLICE OFFICER by Vyacheslav Mischenko, 7c

My Dream Job
Vyacheslav Mischenko, 7c

Two days ago I was riding my bike when I saw somebody broke the neighbour’s window and tried to get into that house. I called to police and told them about it. In less than 15 minutes the policemen arrived and caught the thief. Wow! They are really brave! One of them disarmed the thief. I made a decision: I will be a policeman when I grow up. I will be fair and brave enough to fight with criminals to save people’s lives. I can’t wait! I can already see it in a newspaper: “A brave policeman saved a little child!” My parents will be really proud!

I have been dreaming to be a policeman since my childhood. To be a policeman one should be clever and brave because he must know how to catch a gunman. Also I should be polite because I will often communicate with many people. I should be strict to punish bad people. Of course I should be honest because the police must be fair. All in all I should be serious because there is no place for jokes in the police. A policeman should not be selfish or rude because he works with people. A policeman has to practice a lot and work long hours because he must be in a good shape. A policeman usually works outdoor and speaks with people because he must know what happened there. A policeman doesn’t have to sit all the time but he has to wear a uniform. Very often he has to deal with unpleasant people, that is why I can’t say it is a simple work. To be a good policeman is very important. I believe I will be a good one!


My Job
Renata Ituarova, 7d

I want to be a police officer. I like this profession because my dad works there. I really like watching movies and especially moments about police. And here is one. One woman wanted to jump off the roof. People called the police. When the police arrived, one brave policeman got quietly to her. So, decided to be a police officer.

This profession is not easy. The advantage of this profession is that police help people with crimes.

This disadvantage of this profession is that it is very dangerous because saving someone you can suffer. Policemen have to work in shifts. They have to deal with upleasant people.

To have this profession you need to work hard. for this job I will study a lot and never give up.

CAREER PLANS: ARTIST by Lisa Galperina, 7d

Aren’t Artists Cool?
Lisa Galperina, 7d

Two months ago I was in Budapest. There I visited Hungarian National Gallery. At that moment there was an exhibition of one famous painter, Aurelio Bruni. That exhibition was so fantastic and I loved all his paintings. Paintings were hyper realistic, they correctly showed shadows. I made a decision: I want to be an artist when I grow up, I’ll be creative and talented. I’ll bring positive emotions and inspiration to people.

What do I know about this job? An artist paints pictures. To be successful an artist must be creative and imaginative, because he must paint interesting and good pictures. An artist has to work long hours, practice a lot and sit all the time. An artist doesn’t have to work in shifts and wear a uniform. An artist conveys thoughts and fantasy through his pictures. If an artistwants to build a successful carrier he will develop ’’soft skills’’. Talent is very important in artist’s job. Real artist takes an inspiration from all that is arounds him. The more paintings an artist paints, the more money he earns. Also an artist must organize exhibitions to show his works. An artist can open his own gallery, or artschool. So, an artist is a profession of contrasts.


What Do I want to be?
Sofia Senchina, 7d

I like to watch TV, listen to the radio, read newspapers and magazines. I like everything which is connected with mass media, so I want to be a journalist. I like this profession because journalists meet many famous people . They try to understand what is going on in the world and try to explain it to other people. Journalist is a very interesting profession because you can travel to different cities or countries and shoot reports there. Journalist can have a good career growth from an ordinary journalist-reporter to a TV presenter.

So , what do I know about journalist’s job?


Luba Popkova, 7d

Why do I want to be an actress?

Pretty long I have wanted to become an actress or TV presenter, preferably at a travel program. So, my decision was influenced by numerous viewing of programs and serials. In this job you can show your memory and acting skills. Also, it’s incredible to watch how believably they play their part. To be a TV presenter of a travel program is very interesting. You can practice your language, see different life, and visit places you dreamed of. So, these are the reasons why I want to move in this direction.



When I grow up, I want to be a movie director. Since early age I have liked going to the cinema. But at my 8-9 years of age I began to notice small flaws and sometimes I didn’t like how actors played and conveyed their emotions. And now I often watch scary movies. I usually notice the inconsistency of main heroes. For example, if a hero has heard a strange noise in a basement at night, he goes there, but I don’t think that people will do that in real life.

So my dream is to make a film with my script. I will shoot horror films like “It” and “The Ring”. I will conduct a high-quality selection of actors. Maybe I will work with famous actors of Hollywood. But I will make them play perfectly. I will have a very big team. I will even have my own studio. I will make high-quality and very interesting films with my team. I think I will be a good director and my films will be watched all over the word. So I will receive huge fees. But if I want to be an unusual director I must work very hard.