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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

CHARACTER: Victoria Kravchenko, 6d

What Am I Like?
By Victoria Kravchenko, 6d

  There are no identical people in the world, so every person has own character. People have positive and negative features. People with good character usually have many friends and people love them. People with bad character have few friends because nobody wants to be friends with aggressive, bossy, dishonest and selfish people. Now, I want to tell you about my character.

CHARACTER: Vika Kravchenko, 6d

Why Selfish People Can’t Be Real Friends
By Vika Kravchenko, 6d

  Friendship is one of the best things in the world. A real friend will always be near you in difficult moment and will always support you. A real friend will always forgive you. A real friend will always have time for you and will always believe in you.

CHARACTER: Nastya Bychenko, 6d

Do you want to understand me better?
By Nastya Bychenko, 6d

  There are a lot of people on the Earth. Everybody is special. People have different features. Everyone has good and bad features. The character determines what they will do in this or that situation. Every day we meet new people. It is impossible to understand their character at once. First impression can be deceptive. We must spend a lot of time with people, go through rough patches with people to learn more about them and understand their character. Do you want to understand me better?

CHARACTER: Vlada Borisenko, 6d

There Are No Identical People
By Vlada Borisenko, 6d

  Each person has his own character. As there are no identical people, so there are no identical characters. There are both positive and negative traits in a person’s character. Honesty, hard work, courage, kindness – are positive traits. Laziness, envy, deceit, greed – are negative traits. I want to tell about my character.

CHARACTER: Sasha Goncharova, 6c

Leopard Cannot Change Its Spots
By Sasha Goncharova, 6c

  It is both pleasant and a bit difficult to speak about myself. It is pleasant because every person enjoys speaking about his or her interests, likes or dislikes. But at the same time it is difficult because to study a person, especially yourself, it is a great journey, not a little walk.

CHARACTER: Nastia Vorchakova, 6c

By Nastia Vorchakova, 6c

  People’s characters are very different!!! Why is it so? My mother, who is a psychologist, helped me to answer this question. People are born with different kinds of Temperament. There are four types of Temperament. A Sanguine is kind, merry and optimistic. A Melancholic is sad. A Choleric is very emotional. A Phlegmatic is shy and slow. People can have two Temperaments. My Temperament is Sanguine and Choleric. Thanks to my mum now I understand my character better.

CHARACTER: Sofiya Senchina, 6d

Every Person Has Three Characters
By Sofiya Senchina, 6d

  One famous person once said, “Every man has three characters – the character which he shows, the character which he really has, and the character he thinks he has. I think this quote is perfect because everyone wants to show other people only his positive features. But our real character is much different from our imagination. So, my composition can diverge from reality.

CHARACTER: Vladimir Sannikov, 6c

I Don’t Like To Tell About Myself
By Vladimir Sannikov, 6c

  I don’t like to tell about myself but, of course, I know a lot of secrets about myself. I am different in different situations but I always try to be honest, friendly and polite.

CHARACTER: Ivan Onishchenko, 6b

I’ve Had a Chance to think Over “What Am I Like?”
By Onyshchenko Ivan 6B

  A famous English proverb says “Handsome is as handsome does”. It means that if a person’s deeds are decent, than me can say that he has a good character. I understand it and always try to be kind and thoughtful of people, so I think I have a good character.

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