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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Anhelina Dikina, 9a

Artistic Gymnastics: You Would Be Horrified by our Screams
Anhelina Dikina, 9a

  Gymnastics is a really hard sport, it is not for everyone, because it requires much physical strength, stamina, purposefulness. This is the sport which needs to be practiced since childhood because when a child matures he or she loses flexibility. At a training session you can hear cries of children because it is a painful process. For success you need to have a strict or even stern atrainer. Sometimes even force is used to keep children from messing around but the result is worth it. Beautiful elements that gymnasts can do are surprising, the grace is fascinating. However, such beauty can cause many different injuries.

I have been doing artistic gymnastics for 6 years in a row and I have experience in this sport. I went to a sports school №2 at 11, Sportivna street. I was signed up there by my mother when I was four . I was trained not by an ordinary instructor but by the best trainer, by the world champion in artistic gymnastics in the times of the USSR. I attended the sports school 4 times a week and paid a fee of 200 UAH per month since it was a long time ago. For training sessions it was necessary to buy a black uniform for practicing choreography and gymnastics. In artistic gymnastic we use a ball, skipping rope, a ribbon and maces, therefore I also purchased them.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Polina Ivanova, 9c

Sport in My Life
Polina Ivanova, 9c

  Movement is an essential part of our life. Sport helps us make our life more mobile and improves our health. I tried to find myself in different sports such as figure skating, lawn tennis, badminton, folk dancing, swimming and so on. But I want to tell you some words about ballet because the beauty of this high art captivated my heart.

Millions of people all over the world enjoy and admire ballet. We know many famous ballet dancers such as Anna Pavlova, Maya Plesetskaya, Svetlana Zaharova et al. However it is very hard to become a real ballet dancer. If you want to become a professional it takes all your time because you have to spend hours and hours in dance class by ballet bar.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: by Artur Shamyan, 9a

My Sport
by Artur Shamyan, 9a

  Sport is an integral part of my life. I have been doing sports for 9 years and I cannot imagine my life without sports. I started playing chess when I was 5. Now I am a professional chess player. Also I go swimming, but now I don't swim professionally. It is like an active kind of sports, which I do to improve health and to keep fit. Swimming builds stamina, and it is necessary for playing chess. Now I'm going to tell more about my favourite kind of sports.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Lisa Streseva, 9c

Nine Years of My Life
L. Streseva, 9c

  I have been doing sport on a regular basis for 9 years. It is dancing. Dancing is moving to the music. People dance in special rooms with special floor for dancing. For different types of dancing there is different equipment. For example, sometimes we do classic to have stronger legs. Then we need special equipment called ballet barre. Sometimes we have gymnastics days when we stretch out or work on our abs then we need carpets. Other types of dance need other equipment. Dancing trains your muscles, lungs and heart. Also it helps to lose weight. Dancing develops sense of rhythm and balance. Dancing isn`t an easy sport. If you want to dance well you must train a lot. Also you might can get a trauma. Most often dancers injure legs. I get injured very often certainly it is bad because with time I can get serious problems with legs. However, I never miss my classes even I get injured. This sport is quite annoying because dancers train for long hours.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Liza Parnak, 9c

How To Get Rid of Complexes
By L. Parnak, 9c

  Everybody knows that sport is an interesting and useful free time activity. Sport is the source of the most pleasant emotions and sensations. In the world there are millions of varieties of sports. I want to tell what kinds of sports I took up. When I was in the first form I took up dancing and I liked this, but my form mistress told my mother that I did not have time to study, after that my mother decided I had to give it up. After that, I didn’t play sports for a long time.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Egor Shulga, 9a

Christiano Ronaldo’s Successor
Egor Shulga, 9a

  Football is a game with a ball, which is played by 2 teams of 11 people. Each team fights for victory, but to achieve it you need to score more goals than your opponent. In this game fans are very important , they will support players at any time and of course the coach, who will set the task and help with it! My training takes place on a special field, where I give 100 per cent to the game. As for equipment, I need quite a bit: a pair of cleats, a high quality ball, uniform and desire too. This sport develops speed, reaction and endurance. Soccer players are very hardened people, because they chase the ball in the open air all year. However, the risk of injury is great. During the match there are clashes , high speeds, unpredictable situations. The sense of self-preservation is dulled, there are frequent falls and serious blows.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Max Glinka, 9a

Do You Know What BOSU IS?
Max Glinka, 9a

  First of all, I want to say that sport is an integral part in the life of every person! As for me, I attend the gym. The essence of this sport is to keep fit and healthy and build muscles.

I train in a large gym with lots of exercise equipment. Sports equipment consists of different dumbbells, weights, balls, mats and BOSU. For those who don’t understand what it is, I will explain. A BOSU Balance Trainer, or BOSU ball as it is often called, is an athletic training device consisting of an inflated rubber hemisphere attached to a rigid platform. I do this sport to look attractive. I want my body to look slim and fit and to get my muscles pumped up. Sometimes it happens that you do not know how to use a simulator, but you can ask professionals or coaches. Most importantly, you should know what kind of load you give to a certain part of the body, otherwise you can worsen your health.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Roman Bryzhatyi, 9a

How I Did Sport
Roman Bryzhatyi, 9a

  Nine years ago I took up karate. I did this sport for seven years. Karate is a combative physical activity. Karate is highly skilled and tactical, and all competitors are required to have a high level of skill, experience, speed and dexterity to be successful in Karate competition. The main point of karate competition is to gain more points than your opponent. You receive points for throws, arm hits and leg kicks. For an arm hit you gain 1 point, for a leg kick in belly 2 points, for a kick in head 3 points and for a throw you gain 3 points. You receive a fine if you hit opponent’s head too hard. If you gain 3 fines you will be disqualified. I used to train in 38 school because there was a big gym. To attend karate you need to have special gloves and leg protection. Professional athletes need a gum shield, body protection (and extra chest protection for females), shin pads and foot protectors. This sport develops team spirit builds your stamina, trains your muscles, keeps you fit, trains your heart and develops ability to concentrate. Besides being traumatic, I haven’t found any cons of this sport.

TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Jenya Pugach, 9c

How Do I Do Sport?
Jenya Pugach, 9c

  Everybody knows that sport is an interesting free time activity. We know that physical exercises improve our health and build stamina, also they train our muscles, lungs and heart so we become stronger. Sport is especially necessary for people who study or work mentally. I think that these people after an hour walking in the fresh air will feel refreshed and ready for more mental work. And thirdly sport builds character. It helps to develop many good features of character such as confidence, self-discipline and team spirit. It also teaches to be reliable, responsible and to overcome difficulties. Some kinds of sport teach self-defense, some develop sense of rhythm and balance.