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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

"DO YOU FEAR THE WIND?": translated by Maria Kostenko, 11b

Боишься ли силы ветра, ударов дождя,
что с неба падают слепо?
Взглянув им в лицо, иди смело вперед,
борясь за победу свирепо.

Подобно дикому волку, будь вечно голоден,
с взглядом, кровь леденящим.
И горд будь, как тот журавль,
в высь неба вечно летящий.

Пускай ладони погрубеют,
и нос твой будет солнцем сожжен.
Пусть все уже вконец осточертеет,
Но ты ведь мужчиной был зваться рожден.

"DO YOU FEAR THE WIND?": translated by Julia Kolchik, 11b

Боишься ль ты мощи ветра?
Иль дрожишь из-за дождя по утрам?
Обернись к ним лицом и меряйся духом,
Будь диким, готовся к разрухам.
Иди, невзирая на голод и стужу.
Иди по-простому, сложно - не нужно.
Ладони покроются потом
И кожа посмуглеет от солнца лучей,
И будет усталость и небрежность.
Но, помни, все же, ты - особь, ты - личность.

"DO YOU FEAR THE WIND?": translated by Anna Gaisha, 11b

Ты боишься порывов ветра
и косых струй немого дождя?
Сделай шаг навстречу невзгодам,
разбуди в себе бунтаря!

Словно волк будь голодным, холодным
Точно цапля, вброд пруд перейди!
Пусть ладони твои в кровь сотрутся
и лицо все сгорит - ты иди!

Будешь ты изнурен и истерзан,
пробивая дорогу во мгле!
Но зато ты пройдешь путь как личность,
оставаясь верен себе!

"DO YOU FEAR THE WIND?": translated by Danil Kardashov, 11b

 Боишься ты гнева ветра?
Боишься ты силы дождя?
Встреть его и ответь ему
Будь диким опять же
Ступай голодным, иль холодным как волк
Ступай по простому пути
Ладони покроются потом
И кожа проявится золотом
Ты будешь растрепан,
Усталый и смуглый
Но все скажут, что ты человек.

Cемінар – практикум «Удосконалення уроку математики як засіб розвитку творчої особистості учня»

Психологічна служба гімназії повідомляє:

На базі Миколаївської гімназії №2 відбувся семінар – практикум «Удосконалення уроку математики як засіб розвитку творчої особистості учня» для вчителів математики  міста Миколаїва.

SHERLOCK HOLMES CLUB: Investigation Report

Investigation Report
Investigator: Anna Gaysha

Investigation case: murder of George Henderson
Victim’s age: 45
Victim’s occupation: businessman
Place of murder: the library of the victim’s mansion
Time of murder: 10:21 pm
Way of murder: stab in the back
Murder weapon: not found

All potential suspects have been interviewed and are listed as follows:

Name: Roy Smith
Relation to the victim: the butler


Witness Statement
Witnessed by Maria Kostenko, 11b

  That was a usual day. In the evening after work I decided to go to the local supermarket near my dwelling. It must have been about 9pm because there were few people making purchases. As I was seeking for goods I needed I witnessed the shoplifting attempt.

I planned to cook the pasta that evening. As I was choosing it, I noticed a weird man doing strange movements. Well, he looked suspicious not only because of this, his external appearance was quite dubious too. That was a 40-45-year-old man with wrinkles all over his face. He was very lean and tall. The offender was wearing black baggy clothes. The hat on his head in Bob Marley's style was the only coloured item of clothing. Moreover, at first I thought that the legend of reggae had revived. He also had dreads on his head and the felon's face was tanned. He looked like a homeless.


The Gunman
Investigated by Mariia Popovych, 11b

  It happened in Baker Street in London. There were a lot of people in the camera shop. They were eager to buy the modern photo cameras. The shop assistant showed them many kinds of cameras. So he was diverted from the events that took place in the shop. At this time a gunman rushed into the shop, came up to the cashier and seized 10 000£. Only then the shop assistant paid attention to him and he tried to stop him, but the gunman shot at him. The gunman went out of the shop very fast.


The Utter Fool
Investigated by Maria Kostenko, 11b

On the first of April the man named Ted Thomson committed a crime. It was near 7 pm when the offender rushed inside the United Kingdom National Bank. There were few people in the evening and the bank was getting ready to close. He was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, like he had just run out from an office. Also like any decent robber he was in a black mask with а handgun and a bag for money. What's remarkable is that he didn't have any accomplices. Further everything went according to the usual scenario: he shot in the air, intimidating those present, threatened to kill the cashier and required to give him all the cash. He even took a young woman hostage. All in all, he successfully left the bank with a satisfied smile on his face, however, the most interesting is somewhat further.


Criminal Report
Investigated by Julia Kolchik, 11b

  Brief crux of the matter:
13 February 2018 in the Department of Internal Affairs of the Central District of Birmingham Mrs. N. appealed with a statement of the murder, explaining that in the morning she had come to her husband, Mr. Smith and saw him killed. The police arrived immediately, a criminal case was opened.

Crime investigation plan:
1) Investigation of the crime scene
As police detectives we arrived to examine the crime scene. The victim had bruises around his neck. He was holding a knife in his hand. The knife was clean. Death had come about 7 hours ago. Examining/having examined his bruises, we understood that he had been strangled. No murder weapons and footprints were found. However there were handprints, which are hard to recognize. We consider that the murderer was in gloves, but he/she took them off for some reason later. We noticed the victim’s phone, which was broken .