POETRY CONTEST: translated by Max Glinka, 9a
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 830
Расскажите мне о том сне,
в котором мы выходим из озера и снова одеваемся в теплую одежду.
Как было поздно, и никто из нас не мог заснуть,
лошади бежали, пока они не забыли, что они лошади.
Это не как дерево, где корни должны где-то заканчиваться,
это скорее песня по радио полицейского,
как мы свернули ковер, чтобы мы могли танцевать,
и дни были ярко-красными, и каждый раз, когда мы целовались,
появлялось другое яблоко, нарезанное на кусочки.
Посмотри на свет через оконное стекло.
Это значит, что уже полдень, и что мы безутешны.
Скажи мне, как все это и любовь тоже погубят нас.
Эти наши тела одержимы светом.
Скажи мне, что мы никогда не привыкнем к этому.
POETRY CONTEST: перевод Стрезевой Лизы, 9в
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 903
Расскажи мне о сне, где мы выходим из озера
и снова одеваем теплые одежды.
О том, как было поздно, но никто не мог уснуть, и лошади бежали
пока не забыли, кем являются.
Это не похоже на дерево, чьи корни где-нибудь, да закончатся,
это больше похоже на бесконечность песен в полицейском радио,
как мы скрутили ковры и танцевали, и дни
были ярко-красные, и каждый раз, когда мы целовались, другое яблоко разрезали на кусочки.
Посмотри на свет сквозь оконное стекло. Это означает что уже полдень, это означает, что мы безутешны.
Скажи мне как это всё, и любовь тоже, могут разрушить нас.
Наши тела одержимы светом.
Скажи мне, сможем ли мы когда-нибудь привыкнуть к этому.
POETRY CONTEST: перевод Лазо Ивана, 9а
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 1036
Расскажи мне о сне, где мы выныриваем из холодного озера,
И согреваемся в тёплой одежде,
Слишком поздно, что бы хотелось спать, лошади бежали,
До тех пор, пока не забыли, кто они,
Это не похоже на корни дерева, которые где-то закончатся,
Это похоже на звук с полицейской волны,
Как мы убрали ковёр, что бы могли танцевать,
И дни были ярко красными, и каждый раз, когда мы целуемся,
делится яблоко на новые части,
Посмотри в окно. Это означает полночь, это ничего не значит,
Мы безутешны,
Расскажи мне, как это всё, особенно любовь, разрушает нас,
И наши тела охватятся светом,
Скажи мне, что мы к этому никогда не привыкнем.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Sofiya Nedbay, 9a
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 990
Dancing Has Changed My Life
Sofiya Nedbay, 9a
I am a professional ballroom dancer. Ballroom dancing is a kind of sport where a pair of people (especially a boy and a girl) dances and takes part in different competitions. Ballroom dancing includes ten dances which belong to two different categories. The first category is Latin or Rhythm dancing. It includes 5 quick and energetic dances. They are Cha-cha-cha, Samba, Rhumba, Pasodoble and Jive. The second category is Standard or Smoothe dancing. This type of dancing is slower and more classic. It includes Waltz, Viennese Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot and Quickstep. To take up Ballroom dancing you must buy special equipment. The most important thing without which you will be not able to dance is high-heeled dance shoes. If you want to take part in competitions you have to buy a dress. And of course if you want to dance you have to find a person that will teach you to. Dancing gives a lot of benefits. People feel more confident and uninhibited when they are able to dance. However, dancing has some disadvantages. Firstly, it is very expensive to go dancing on a regular basis, because to become a good dancer you have to train a lot, dancing classes are not cheap, especially with a qualified coach. You also have to buy a beautiful dress if you want to be the first in competitions, the one which will attract judges’ attention.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Sasha Bobrova, 9c
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- Перегляди: 1018
Art and Sport at the Same Time
Sasha Bobrova, 9c
In my entire life I have managed to give up many sport clubs, but I still haven`t found the one that would suit me perfectly. However I did dance classes on regular basis for a very long time, that`s why I want to tell you about my experience in this sport.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Anhelina Dikina, 9a
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 951
Artistic Gymnastics: You Would Be Horrified by our Screams
Anhelina Dikina, 9a
Gymnastics is a really hard sport, it is not for everyone, because it requires much physical strength, stamina, purposefulness. This is the sport which needs to be practiced since childhood because when a child matures he or she loses flexibility. At a training session you can hear cries of children because it is a painful process. For success you need to have a strict or even stern atrainer. Sometimes even force is used to keep children from messing around but the result is worth it. Beautiful elements that gymnasts can do are surprising, the grace is fascinating. However, such beauty can cause many different injuries.
I have been doing artistic gymnastics for 6 years in a row and I have experience in this sport. I went to a sports school №2 at 11, Sportivna street. I was signed up there by my mother when I was four . I was trained not by an ordinary instructor but by the best trainer, by the world champion in artistic gymnastics in the times of the USSR. I attended the sports school 4 times a week and paid a fee of 200 UAH per month since it was a long time ago. For training sessions it was necessary to buy a black uniform for practicing choreography and gymnastics. In artistic gymnastic we use a ball, skipping rope, a ribbon and maces, therefore I also purchased them.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Polina Ivanova, 9c
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 1326
Sport in My Life
Polina Ivanova, 9c
Movement is an essential part of our life. Sport helps us make our life more mobile and improves our health. I tried to find myself in different sports such as figure skating, lawn tennis, badminton, folk dancing, swimming and so on. But I want to tell you some words about ballet because the beauty of this high art captivated my heart.
Millions of people all over the world enjoy and admire ballet. We know many famous ballet dancers such as Anna Pavlova, Maya Plesetskaya, Svetlana Zaharova et al. However it is very hard to become a real ballet dancer. If you want to become a professional it takes all your time because you have to spend hours and hours in dance class by ballet bar.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: by Artur Shamyan, 9a
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 1121
My Sport
by Artur Shamyan, 9a
Sport is an integral part of my life. I have been doing sports for 9 years and I cannot imagine my life without sports. I started playing chess when I was 5. Now I am a professional chess player. Also I go swimming, but now I don't swim professionally. It is like an active kind of sports, which I do to improve health and to keep fit. Swimming builds stamina, and it is necessary for playing chess. Now I'm going to tell more about my favourite kind of sports.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Lisa Streseva, 9c
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 946
Nine Years of My Life
L. Streseva, 9c
I have been doing sport on a regular basis for 9 years. It is dancing. Dancing is moving to the music. People dance in special rooms with special floor for dancing. For different types of dancing there is different equipment. For example, sometimes we do classic to have stronger legs. Then we need special equipment called ballet barre. Sometimes we have gymnastics days when we stretch out or work on our abs then we need carpets. Other types of dance need other equipment. Dancing trains your muscles, lungs and heart. Also it helps to lose weight. Dancing develops sense of rhythm and balance. Dancing isn`t an easy sport. If you want to dance well you must train a lot. Also you might can get a trauma. Most often dancers injure legs. I get injured very often certainly it is bad because with time I can get serious problems with legs. However, I never miss my classes even I get injured. This sport is quite annoying because dancers train for long hours.
TO DO OR NOT TO DO: Liza Parnak, 9c
- Деталі
- Перегляди: 1251
How To Get Rid of Complexes
By L. Parnak, 9c
Everybody knows that sport is an interesting and useful free time activity. Sport is the source of the most pleasant emotions and sensations. In the world there are millions of varieties of sports. I want to tell what kinds of sports I took up. When I was in the first form I took up dancing and I liked this, but my form mistress told my mother that I did not have time to study, after that my mother decided I had to give it up. After that, I didn’t play sports for a long time.