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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

Role model: Sofiya Nedbay, 7a

A Good Role for Modern Youth
Sofiya Nedbay, 7a

There are so many different people in the world. Some of them are modern, famous but the only thing that they are living for is money. The others are modest, little-known but with a great heart. So I want to tell you about a sympathetic and warmhearted person who in my opinion is a good role model for us.
His full name is Ivan Leonidovich Tkachenko. He was born on the 19th of November in 1979 in Yaroslavl. Also he had a wife and 2 daughters. He was a Russian hockey player. He played hockey from the year 1994 to the year 2011 in the hockey club “Lokomotiv Yaroslavl”. He was the captain of his team. Also he was the best player during all the history of his club.
He and all his team died on the 7-th of September in 2011 during the flight. After his death people found out that he had helped the children with lethal diseases. He donated huge sums of money monies anonymously. The last amount of money was about 500 000 rubles. Ivan sent it on the day of his death. All in all, he sent 9 996 300 rubles. People didn`t know about it when Ivan was alive. In 2011 he was awarded the Medal of the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation "Hasten to do good".

At the doctor: Liza Parnak, 7c

Liza Parnak, 7c

I think I am an unlucky person because I have had all imaginable problems with my health. I always get sunburnt. I have twisted my arm. I have sprained me leg. I have scratched my arm, knee. I have hurt my hand. I would like to tell how I have broken my arm.
It happened when I was 5 years old. I was in the yard and I was playing volleyball with my friends. Suddenly, I fell down and injured my arm. It was so painful! Luckily there was my dad; he took me to the hospital.

At the doctor: Sasha Bobrova, 7c

A Day at a Strange Hospital
Sasha Bobrova, 7c

Nurse Lisa (N.L.) – Doc. Alice there are a lot of people in the waiting room: Mrs. Nett has twisted her ankle, Mr. Johns has hit his head, Mr. Ellis has broken his leg, Mrs. West has burned her hand and Nick has cut his finger again.
Doc. Alice (D.A.) – Ok. Let’s start to work, nurse Lisa please go for my medicine chest.
N.S. goes to the door but suddenly falls and cries.
D.A. – What`s the matter, Lisa are you Ok?
N.L. – No, I have hit my knee or maybe all my leg!
D.A. – Is it still painful?

Relationships Hotline: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Problems at Work
Diana Nedbay, 10b

As you know, I was in China this summer, but I didn't have a rest, I was working there. My mother’s agency "Legend models" found a good contract for me in Guangzhou, China. They got in touch with with the agency called "Fable models" - which confirmed me. By the way, my mother’s mother agency is located in our town, it helps youmg models in this business and which finds jobs for them. So, I came to Guangzhou. Actually I had worked not only in China, last summer I had been to in Japan and sometimes I had had jobs in Ukraine. But my last flight was to China.
What can I say about problems at work? How to solve them? How to communicate with strangers ? I will try to answer all these questions. Yeah, to have a job is igood, you can earn and spend money by yourself, you are an independent and adult person... BUT! Have you ever thought that you can have a lot of problems at work? The first problem is that you are always exhausted after job and sometimes even don`t want to do anything. If I have this feeling, I soothe myself by the thought that I will earn money, that there are a lot of jobs, that are harder than mine (for example, a miner). People always say that model's work is very easy, but they for sure haven’t tried.

Relationships Hotline: Diana Nedbay, 10b

Diana Nedbay, 10b

I want to tell you about my impressions and feelings after my this summer’s trip to China. This year from 5th of August till 5th of October I was working in China in cozy and not so big city Guangzhou as a model representing our country. At first I travelled a complicated way to get there, cause it's very far from Ukraine. I went to Odessa, then had a flight from there to Istanbul (Turkey), from there had another flight to Shenzhen, after that I made a bus journey to HongKong and finally reached Guangzhou by train. So, this is how I got here, the following part will be more interesting.

Конкурс ім. П.Яцика

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Олімпіада з економіки

Олімпіада з математики

Олімпіада з географії 2016