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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

Олімпіада з української мови та літератури

Обласна олімпіада з права 2016

Sherock holmes club: Dasha Holmes, 11b

Murder of a Very Noble Person
Investigated by Dasha Holmes, 11b

I am a police detective. I investigated the case, connected with a murder of a very noble person (whose name I am not allowed to reveal) who had played a great role in the governance of the country.
First of all I investigated the crime scene, where I found a lot of evidence. For example the woman`s glove, that didn`t belong to the victim’s daughter or wife. Then I found a sign of a pleasant morning - some crumbs of French loaf on and under the table. I also noticed that on his left cheek there was a trace of lipstick. I questioned the suspects: the victim’s daughter, his wife, their housekeeper, the butler and his secretary. The victim’s daughter and mother had a unquestioned alibi – they both had been out of the city. That day the housekeeper and the a butler had not been at work – their boss had given him a weekend off at the beginning of the week. “It was an amazing surprise for us, but it was a little bit suspicious for him”, said a housekeeper. When I talked to his secretary Miss Amber I realized everything. Her color of lipstick betrayed her.

Sherock holmes club: Anastasia Sidorchuk, 11a

The Investigation of Sergey Yesenin’s Death
The investigation was conducted
by the police detective
Anastasia Sidorchuk

On the 28th of December 1925 in one of the rooms of the Leningrad Hotel Angleterre Mr.Ustinov found the corpse of the famous Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. It was stated that the poet hanged himself. It was the day when I began the most mysterious investigation of my life.

I arrived immediately to investigate the crime scene. The first thing that caught my eye was the chaos and the terror, which saturated and absorbed the whole room – the clothes, which were scattered, the fallen chandelier on the floor and the beveled white nightstand behind the table, and horribly unnatural position of the corpse - his right hand was slightly raised and ossified in an unusual fold, swollen face was frightening. His neck was tightened to the loop on the pipe with his face turned to the wall, and with his right hand grabbed the pipe. I examined his body and found a cut above his elbow of his right arm, the scratches on his left hand and the most suspicious – the bruise under his eye. In the middle of the forehead, above the bridge of the nose, I noticed a dent groove. A few spots of unknown origin were found on the right pant. I began to understand that this case had no relation to the suicide, however we found no evidence indicating the crime…

Sherock holmes club: Valeryi Holmes, 11a

Car Theft
Investigated by Valeryi Holmes, 11a

Yesterday, the car Toyota Corolla 2010 was joy-ridden nearby 27, Central Avenue. The owner of Toyota is a 32-year-old businessman. He phoned the police yesterday evening and informed about the car theft. A police detective arrived at midnight to the crime scene.
It was thoroughly investigated, and the police detective found a few evidence:
• a sign of tracks, which directed straight from the place where the car had been parked;
• a piece of windscreen - the car window might have been broken by a joyrider;
• a trinket with the picture of mountains - the businessman confirmed that it was his trinket. Some finger prints were found on it.
The detective found out that the car was of white color with numbers BH 009 CK. On the bumper there was a dent. The vehicle’s interior was leather with a tiger pattern. The businessman said that a special program was installed in his car that would help to find Toyota.

Sherock holmes club: Natasha Holmes, 11A

Theft of the Largest Diamond
Investigated by Natasha Holmes, 11A

It would seem that it may be better to protect a precious stone in a safe with a lock with 100 million possible combinations, thermal motion sensors, radars and other security tools. But as they say, for every force there is a counter-force.
A month ago, Barclays Bank was robbed at night from 14 to 15 October, the main repository with 160 safety deposit boxes in which there were jewels of the most famous people in the world was robbed and the largest diamond in the world had disappeared. The theft was discovered immediately, just when a bank employee came into a repository in the middle of the day. The Director called the detective who carefully searched the crime scene. The first suspicious fact was that the robbers had not been noticed by any surveillance cameras of the Bank and security guard hadn't seen them. The detective found no signs of forced entry.

Sherock holmes club: Valeria Holmes, 11b

The Case “Scorpion”
Investigated by Valeria Holmes, 11b

The action took place in 1940 in New-York. Detective Briggs worked in the insurance company. He was considered to be responsible, quick-witted employee and he successfully investigated most of the cases.
Once he with his friends turned out to be at the performance of the hypnotist magician, who called Briggs to the stage and hypnotized him, having pronounced the code word “Scorpion”. After leaving the trance, Briggs insisted that he didn’t remember what had happened.
Several days later the hypnotist phoned Bricks and said the code word “Scorpion” and ordered him to get into the house and steal the jewelry, cracking alarm-system, which Briggs had installed himself. And the following day, without remembering anything Briggs started to investigate his own crime.

Sherock holmes club: Roman Holmes, 11b

The Harwood Butcher
Roman Holmes, 11b

Yesterday morning, 22-year-old Italo-American ― Tommy Vercetti appeared in Criminal Court of the City of New York accused of massacre. The judge sentenced him to life imprisonment. Vercetti was a professional handgun shooter; he was arrested last May in Harwood Park (New York) as he had murdered 10 people (Vincent Vega, Jules Winnfield, Harvey Keitel, Freddie Newandyke, Larry Dimmick, Ordell Robbie, Mark Dargus, Edgar McGraw, Frank O’Neill and Andrew McGregor).
The evidence was provided from the park’s cameras – the massacre was shot, but the face of the murderer couldn’t be seen.

Sherock holmes club: Anastasiya Holmes, 11b

Crime Investigation
Investigated by Anastasiya Holmes, 11b

Hello. I am a police detective and I have investigated the case of Alison McCollister’s murder. She was found yesterday evening in her flat with a knife sticking out of her head. Steve McCollister –multimillionaire - was her father. Malia McCollister was her step mother. Alison lived alone but once a week (on Tuesday) her maid Becca Fry came to clean her flat.
When police found the body, first of all I investigated the crime scene and searched her flat. No foot prints or finger prints were found because it was Tuesday (the day when the maid had already cleaned the victim’s house).

Role model: Maryna Ikonomu, 7A

Vladimir Aronovich Khavkin
Maryna Ikonomu, 7A

Vladimir Aronovich Khavkin is a bacteriologist, immunologist and epidemiologist. He is the creator of the first vaccine against the plague and cholera. I chose this personality because it is very interesting to learn more about the person who created the first vaccine against the plague and cholera.
His full name is Waldemar Marcus Wolf. He was born under the name Marcus Wolf in Odessa in the family of a teacher. There he studied at the hedere, then in 1879 he graduated from the Russian school in Berdyansk.
From an early age Khavkin displayed different brilliant abilities, incredible hard work, a clear direction of interest. In 1884 he graduated from the Novorossiysk University in Odessa. Khavkin was interested in zoology of protozoa. As a student, he joined the revolutionary populists circle, for which he was twice expelled from the university and was arrested.