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Virtual tour to Britain: Julia Romanchuk, 11b

'How To Be British'
By Julia Romanchuk, 11b

I have never been to the UK, but I've heard a lot about the British. Reading the first part of the book under the title 'How To Be British' I HAVE FOUND SOME VERY IMPORTANT FEATURES OF A TRUE BRIT WHICH MAKE LIVING IN THEIR COUNTRY VERY COMFORTABLE FOR THEM.

Virtual tour to Britain: Mariya Oberemok, 11a

By Mariya Oberemok, 11a

This man is too polite ….ops; I forgot that we are in Great Britain!

Long and glorious history, beauty of nature, unpredictable weather , achievements in cricket and football - and is it all its greatness?

No, because every country is made by its people with their traditions and mentality. British have a lot of good traditions, their main qualities are courtesy, tolerance and sense of humor.

They grow up at feet and inches and weight at stones, pounds and ounces. Their money are pounds sterling and Great Britain isn’t cheap. They love their homes and it is their castles and gardens is their recreation.

Virtual tour to Britain: Valentin Matviets, 10b

By Valentin Matviets, 10b

Some time ago I started reading The How To Be Britsh Collection. It`s extremely fun and interesting. I`ve chosen the best chapters, which may help you enlarge your vocabulary stock with Real English (for example, chapter 18) - a colourful repertoire of IDIOMS, SLANG, COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS, and even the occasional TABOO WORD, as used by flesh and blood native speakers. Can you translate the following?

Mrs. Jones is “her indoors”. – вторая половина
r. Jones is her “other half’. – вторая половина
Their children are the “nippers”. - спиногрызы
The woman next door is “a pain in the neck”.
Her son sells “dodgy” mobile phones.

Virtual tour to Britain: Valeriya Makeenok, 11b

By Valeriya Makeenok, 11b


There are a lot of pubs in GB, but it is hard to find an authentic, traditional British pub. You need to look for the following sings:
Low doors and ceilings, yellowish brown in colour.
Segregation of the social classes (saloon bar and lounge).
Hand pumps on the bar for `real ale`.
Pictures on the walls of 18th century gentlemen smoking clay pipes.
A middle-aged lady with dyed blonde hair and a deep voice sitting at the bar.
No children.
Enthusiastic ringing of the bell to signal `Time`.

Virtual tour to Britain: Julia Kolchik, 10b

Julia Kolchik, 10b

I have read a book under the title The How To Be British Collection. The authors of the book are Martin Ford and Peter Legion. The book tells about traditional values of the reserved, polite, pet-loving, tea-drinking British nation.

I would like to tell about my favorite chapters about British humor, food, pronunciation, nicknames and pets .This book tells that in Great Britain they eat a lot, have strange sense of humor, love pets more than kids, speak quickly and have good pronunciation.

Virtual tour to Britain: Nastya Grinuk, 11b

By Nastya Grinuk, 11b

True British

I hope you will agree that most people like their countries and cultures. All British people think that their country is special that is why they call it GREAT Britain. They are proud of their culture and traditions: afternoon tea at four, roast beef on Sunday, and warm beer until 11pm.

Virtual tour to Britain: Ira Dmytrychenko, 10b

The How to Be British Collection
by Ira Dmytrychenko, 10b

During this summer I was reading the book entitled The How to Be British Collection. It is really a very interesting book, which helps us to be a real British. So I want to tell you about the most interesting parts of this book.

The first part is called Dress Sense. This part begins with scene in which two young women in crop tops showing their bare waists and shoulders, and mini skirts with no tights underneath are strolling along arm in arm. It is winter, so their outfit looks very strange. But it tells us more about the British. This is an example of famous British toughness. The fact is that the British dress to please themselves and to show their independence of fashion, weather, social convention and color theory. They don`t depend on the opinions of the others. For many foreigners visiting Britain is a welcome change to be able to dress without having to worry if their clothes are the wrong size, or don’t match, or are torn. I THINK WE SHOULD LEARN FROM THE BRITISH NOT TO BE DEPENDENT ON THE FASHION AND THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS.

Virtual tour to Britain: Marie Kostenko, 10b

By Marie Kostenko, 10b

Some time ago I started to read a humorous and cognitive book. The title of this book is How To Be British Collection and it's really impressive. The book helps us to understand British and their outlook, behavior, traditions and habits. I haven't finished reading it yet, but I want to share with you my opinion about the chapter called SPEAK SLOWLY.

REMEMBER! If you are talking with a true Brit for the first time, it won’t be easy to understand what he is talking about; the author's advice is to use the following phases

Virtual tour to Britain: Olga Bogachova, 11b

By Olga Bogachova, 11b

I have read the first part of the book under the title The How to Be British Collection. It was written by Martyn Alexander Ford and Peter Christopher Legon. This book consists of colourful cartoon illustrations with accompanying texts, which describe the usual life of the British: their habits, traditions and character in a humorous way. It is a real guide on how to get around in English. In order to be British, or at any rate to pass unnoticed in British society, the visitor must learn some iron rules of behavior in society.

One of the first things to remember by the arrival in Britain is about Terms of Endearment. Like all other peoples Britons use diminutive affectionate words in speech, such as such as dear, love and darling. Also you may be called: Precious, Honeybunch, Treasure, Bunny, Angel, Teddy Bear, Lamb, Handsome, Big Boy, Star or my Little Sausage. The best respond in this case will be your pleasant smile. If you have a desire to call an English- speaker a wetleg, fish-eye or roastbeef, it can cause great offence.

Virtual tour to Britain: Vlad Beschastny, 11b

By Vlad Beschastny, 11b

I have recently read the book under the title The How To Be British Collection. I want to tell you about the first five chapters from this book. So, what does It deal with?

It tells about specialty of this country. It describes their landscapes, the rich variety of their weather, their unrivalled achievements in cricket and football and their cherished traditions. Secondly, it explains why Great Britain is popular for visiting. This country is fairy tale land of knights and wizards, princes and pop idols, the birthplace of the industrial revolution, computers, human rights, pork scratching, evolution, lawn tennis, parliament and punk.