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Миколаївський ліцей №2  вітає відвідувачів сайту і пропонує ознайомитися зі специфікою, напрямком і особливостями навчання в нашому навчальному закладі.

O.Henry`s short stories – just stories or smth more?

Ти маєш можливість поділитися своїми досягненнями в вивченні англійської мови!!!  Пиши свої ідеї і побач їх саме тут!!! 

by Kazimir Dasha, the 9th c

       The book is like a garden carried in the pocket. The previous year our teacher suggested us reading and discussing short novels by O.Henry. It was also the way to check our English skills and just to plunge into the atmosphere of New York and its ordinary people, sellers, boarders, artists, idlers and reporters of the 20th century. Firstly, reading the original stories helps me to increase my vocabulary with new words. That is really important in studying language, as I can see which  words are wide-spread and commonly used. The books can help me to improve my knowledge of the grammar rules, for example Reported Speech and Passive Voice. Last, but not the least fact is that  it develops my  knowledge, gives me ideas

Наші досягнення!

Перемога нашої команди у міському конкурсі-гри
«Що? Де? Коли?»
2014-2015 нр
Вітаю наших розумників та розумниць!!!

Stative Verbs

Drill State Verbs

Drill State Verbs
Get an extra point!!!! Smile

1.She ___________ to be happy today.

2.Mary Crawford _________ a chain of stores.

Our projects 2014-2015

Video Conferences with Canada, England, Italy

A Fairy Tale Festival

A Song Festival

An Interactive Game “Who wants to be a millionaire” 

School olympiad 2015-2016!

Congratulations with the winning of the school olympiad 2015-2016! 

Wish you luck at the local olympiad!

You are the best of the best!

Архірєєва Дар’я – 10 Б клас

Попова Аліса 10 Б клас

Казимир Дар’я 9В клас

Гучок Андрій 9В клас

FLEX 2015-2016

Congratulations to the participants of the third level of FLEX 2015-2016!

Казимир Дар’я – 9В клас

Попова Аліса -10 Б клас

Полянська Аліна – 10 Б клас

I wish you good luck! I am proud of you!


Drilling of the tenses

Drill Tenses

  1. What's the matter ? Why  ? (you / laugh)
  2. I  several books (already / write)
  3. This movie may not be as good as the one I  (see) last week.
  4. Where  on holiday, next Summer ? (you / go)
  5. I  a book when they knocked at the door (read)
  6. When  my proposal ? Tomorrow I hope ! (he / accept )
  7. I  (just / lose) my umbrella !
  8. Yesterday, he told me he  (never / practise) scuba-diving before.
  9. What  ? It is really dangerous ! (he / do)
  10. If  a lot of money, I wouldn't work and I would stay the all day at home ! (I / have)

Drill the causative

Drill modal assumptions

Complete the following sentences with CAN'T, MUST, MIGHT

      1) I can hear some music coming from that window. He…..  be at home.

      2) Mark told me Sarah was working late today, so she …. be home right now.

      3) Harry doesn't answer the phone. He  ….be in the movies.

      4) Ring! Ring! That  …..be mom; she said she'd call me back in a minute.

      5) I …… have left my keys in the car or maybe at John's.

      6) Sue is late for class. She …. have missed the bus.

      7) That DVD  cost more that 15Ђ; it's….. an old movie!