WE COMMENT: Andrey Udotov, 10a

Reviewed by Andrey Udotov, 10a

Рейтинг стихов в группе 10-А класса "Жаворонок"

1. Андрей Удотов (5)
Передача смысла – 5
Рифма- 5
Богатство лексики – 5
Простота чтения- 5
Эгоизм- 5+

WE COMMENT: Roman Schekotov, 10b

Reviewed by Roman Schekotov, 10b

After reading some poems, I decided to rank works of my classmates. The third place is taken by Mariya Oberemok with the poem “ПОМНИ МЕНЯ” (“Remember me”). I think that she translated this poem successfully and quite close to the original. In this translation, I liked the last four lines most of all:

WE COMMENT: Vlad Beschstny, 10b

Reviewed by Vlad Beschstny, 10b

I have recently read all poems and I can say that in my opinion the best translation is the translation by from Anastasia Sydorchuk “Жаварнок”. In this poem she describes nature perfectly: “Земля вся в зелени, а небо в синеве”. Nastya like an acknowledged master has made the excellent translation. If I was a jury, I would give to her the first place.

WE COMMENT: Anastasia Sydorchuk, 10a

Reviewed by Anastasia Sydorchuk, 10a

I’m proud of pupils of our Grammar School, who are real children of their country and who are ready to defend and protect their rights to live in the decent state. They are real patriots - they proved it with their works.

WE COMMENT: Diana Nedbay, 9c

Reviewed by Diana Nedbay, 9c

I can't select the best text, because each composition is different , so I will tell what I liked in each composition.
I liked Anna' Gaysha text about the Carpathians, because she described all beauty and value of the Carpathians. Also she stated the main facts about these mountains. Furthermore she told about it from the point of view of geographer, nature loverand traveler. The most I liked the phrase "The Carpathians are an opened chest containing a priceless treasure - our unique national traditions".

WE COMMENT: Julia Kolchik, 9c

Reviewed by Julia Kolchik, 9c

I read the composition by Maria Oberemok with pleasure. Her essay is small and is probably that’s why it is read in one breath and leaves a good impression. I liked the fact that Maria said that Ukraine is not like other countries. She showed her affection. In her composition, she calls us to stay together, she tells that we are the future and it depends on us what will happen with Ukraine.

WE COMMENT: Marina Grytsenko, 10b

Reviewed by Marina Grytsenko, 10b

I have read the compositions under the title My motherland: the place where I live, the place I love the most by Olga Bogacheva, Maria Oberemok and Valery Dychakovsky. I appreciated their unforgettable thoughts. All of them urge to appreciate and respect our country by all means. The girls have remembered our outstanding writers. Valery and Maria have described a tragic situation in the east. All the pupils did their work well.

WE COMMENT: Anna Gaisha, 9c

Reviewed by Anna Gaisha, 9c

Every composition deserves attention. All texts are full of love and patriotism.
To my mind, Lisa's composition is quite interesting and unique in its own way. It was a great idea to choose Ukrainian song as the main object, the main topic of this work. Lisa used a lot of vivid epithets that give text peculiar sincerity.

WE COMMENT: Ira Dmytrichenko , 9c

Reviewed by Ira Dmytrichenko , 9c

I like the work Deathless Beauty of the Ukrainian Song written by Lisa Belikova. I was impressed by the way Lisa wrote about folk songs as the dignity of Ukraine. Our folk songs are really some of the best in the world. Lisa successfully used the parallel between nature and song. This work differs from others due to the fact that Lisa carefully selected quotes to support her ideas, for Lisa used the statements of foreign writers /Czech scientist Shafarik/ about the value of Ukrainian folk song.


WE COMMENT: Irina Stepanova, 9c

Reviewed by Irina Stepanova, 9c

Recently an interesting competition was held. It was a translation contest where we had to translate poems. So I decided to choose my favorite translation of the poem ‘Remember’. There were many versions of the translation of this verse, but here are my favorites.